Thursday, July 30, 2009

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Waste-risk dissolution

The waste problem is only a matter of economics. To have an increase in waste collection citizens should have a value. One way would be giving an economic value to the selected material, and at the end of the calendar year the city should receive a reduction of the waste tax. In many cities of Italy waste collection door to door made of different materials (paper, glass, aluminum, etc.) has achieved excellent results, with rates in media arrive AL50%. This means that even Casaluce could achieve good results, renegotiate with the company that manages the method of collection, looked forward to a return to nationals economic basis of the amount collected, resulted in a chain mechanism, with a decline in the tax on waste. Yesterday, the Secretary
listed a number of countries defaulting to separate their waste including Casaluce and
from the percentages found him liable dissolution.
Casaluce burden does not deserve this one, maybe it was an error communication between the municipality and the commissioner of government, but we must understand that today separate the collection must be one of the programmatic this administration, why risk a new dissolution would be yet another defeat of Casalucesi ; 'S newly established administration may have underestimated the waste problem, and did not put as a priority the differentiated . The Mayor is also good show and fight those threats made by Bertolaso \u200b\u200b, but take it with administrators past, including elected even in its list, with a repetitive slogan "the last thirty years," as if he were still in the election campaign. C redo the feeling of disapproval, and the cause of the conflict against the government commissioner, may be married for all citizens, without excluding anyone.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nintendo Scratch Remover


The provision made by the Mayor of Milan could also be useful to Casaluce , especially as an act of prevention in favor of many young teenagers who find themselves in clichés, which dragged from their friendship, the fashion, by the transgression of not meeting some of the teachings of parents, braving the danger of alcohol with the physical effects that occur during the course of their lives.
This absolute prohibition made by a mayor against center-right of adolescents, with fines ranging from € 400 a500 for the consumption of alcohol to persons under 16 years, I personally like it, could be considered also by our mayor for preventivi.L 'goal of this ordinance should be to protect the health of young people, because in our country are taking the alarming phenomenon of kids who still drink at an early age with the sole purpose of get drunk and get high, I think you could start with an awareness campaign in collaboration with the managers of the premises (bar-pab-etc) - and the weekend should involve the entire supervisory control of areas of aggregation ( movida). emphasize that the 'order should be supported also by our common, made in a different way, it' s important that the end is the same, I ask the mayor alderman and social policies, in collaboration with the consultant dott.gentile, and with the cooperation of the opposition, to examine this issue and do not underestimate this issue on which we have welcomed many doctors and toxicologists.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Automatic Retracting Hinges


In my life one of the interests and favorite travel with cruise ships, to experience the thrill of waking up on the sea, and the privilege to breathe deeply throughout the under an open sea and crystalline, has meant to me a time, place and service which will encourage thousands of emotions and many reflections in the eyes and soul. This holiday is complete with a varied life on board, as well as planned, is communicated through the distribution , day by day and every cab, a comprehensive information sheet with the opportunities to be seized inside the ship, made us live and dream, suspended between sky and I mare.Da years, my wife and children, we want to navigate our seas, especially the Mediterranean that to me is everything still seemed an open book to browse, as a strategic resource, as place of cooperation and as a challenge politica.Abbiamo noted, at least in part, this powerful communication medium that connects three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa, three sets of civilization, but today, more than ever, making connections , the possibility of exchanges and relazioni.Abbiamo lived for several days and several nights in an Eden of dreams, a world of enchantment and glittering gold, a huge landscaped splendor that helps you live better and difficult to forget . Nor can we forget the excellent food and always plenty of good quality, nor care not to miss the fruit in the cabin and punctuality reordering of essa.Abbiamo had the opportunity to admire along the open sea, to know his quiver and learn to listen to his voice. E 'is for us a new kind of relaxation, of sea and sky of pure air, port always different, still-shiny lives, but also has established a good relationship of respect and remembrance of our amicizia.Ma 'last cruise made in April 2009 was an almost casual encounter with our neighbor as well meter board in the restaurant, which offered, in addition to his exquisite politeness and his great sympathy availability. With this holiday, I and my wife, we wanted to spend some 'time to ourselves, even to discover widespread auroras and sunrises, sunsets beaming with the warm setting sun on the sea that has also made its way to the moon with the silvery reflection. Atlantic Coast 2001 (Bari, Katakolon, Kusadasi-Istanbul-Athens-Venice-Bari-8 days), Costa Fortuna 2006 (Napoli-Palermo-Tunis Palma de Mallorca-Barcelona-Marseille-Savona-Naples-8 days), Costa harmony 2008 (Civitavecchia, Katakolon, Savona-Izmir-Athens-Rhodes-Cyprus-Egypt-Alexandria, Civitavecchia-12giorni) Costa serena 2009 (Napoli-Malta-Corfu-Dubrovnik-Venice-Bari-6 days).
In 2010, MSC Fantasia will leave with a new generation of ship (ship in the MSC Splendida).
tonnage :133.500 height-width 66.8 37.92. The route chosen (Civitavecchia Genoa-Barcelona-Casablanca, Tenerife (Canary Islands)-Funchel (Maider)-Malaga-Civitavecchia -12 days).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Take Apart Zippo Refill

act of abjuration

recantation: Solemn renounces a religion or doctrine false or erroneous.

If someone thinks that a free or lavish turning point in his political life is a betrayal of the principles and political ideals are wrong, be free to think and to organize its political life is not for others, we find ourselves today, we young a crossroads, and if we want to be helpful to the improvement of our country, we must give a steering, and if someone makes allegations comparing me to a quail that immediately makes the jump, they do not know the meaning of freedom.
WIKIPEDIA: " freedom in the broadest sense is also the option of ' man to act and think independently, is the condition of those who can act according to their own choices, in some cases by a power conferred on him by the specific law .

We can say that whoever does something is free, when they have the choice of
, and the action is the same: intelligent, spontaneous, contingent. Intelligent, as the free action implies knowledge of the subject of deliberation, without it, in fact, who could not act determined to follow the end of his action because it is not known. Spontaneous, as the cause of action is in those who act as a result of the will and not outside, because if not, the action would not be free but required by external causes. Quota, as the result of such action should not be an absolute necessity.
Without freedom to check, you can not have
law or with the license.
Here are some examples. In Italy
everyone has the freedom to study, but only the deserving young people are entitled to financial help.
The freedom of the individual stems from respect to a given behavior, regardless of personal circumstances.
A freedom is a right for one person if that person can claim from the communities they are guaranteed the conditions for the implementation of such behavior. In the case of the study, a worthy young man, not provided with adequate resources can claim a grant from the state. An elderly or young undeserving, can study, but not can claim that his study is financed by the community.
The license is actually the legal eligibility to perform a given behavior based on particular personal circumstances. For those not having these conditions, the license is denied, and then the conduct is unlawful. In the case of medicine, a national general practice can not, but if it comes with a degree in medicine and surgery, it has the right (or permission).
freedom and also the basic quality and specific man, it is as a person, and that is not to be subject to an order previously established and closed, but in an open nature, which, despite the limitations resulting from its feature to be done, allows him to self-realization and self-designed based on the choices they make, and, correspondingly, the existential condition of man, an intellectual and moral commitment, overcome obstacles that prevent the implementation of that capacity, and at the same time, it will be delivered and implemented progressively.
This concept of freedom in the election campaign I have expressed from a speech made during the election campaign to the civic movement, or rather was aimed especially at the current mayor, but that does not means that others are free from its significato.Ogni man is free to expend his ideas, and can turn the page and saw the election results, the opposition we should focus on renewal, but not only people but ideas and actions relating to a constructive end.
I do not just criticize and opposition put spanner in the works, but also collaboration with those who minister to us, but now a little over a month the group (the project director for Casaluce) criticized the mayor for the position given to higher-level I personally believe that this person will be able to protect the citizens of Casaluce on some points and programmatic aspects, but will also be in the interests of the entire administration insiediata, having regard to the receivership, which lasted three years, Casaluce not have any reason to risk for another event like that, I will be personally opposed to this administration but in a constructive manner with concrete proposals, I will be wise of them below, but criticize them for not respecting the commitments given to the citizens, or will the injustice against the population.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Insert File Into Autocad

open our eyes

We're one month after the election defeat, the air still circulating mud, but we must go further, perhaps I've used the misnomer, but with each passing day, with careful consideration you can understand where he is wrong, and understand what were the mistakes of the campaign, as we arrived at the nominations and the formation of the list.
The ingenuity, the heart and bring the colors sometimes make mistakes, CODEST are due to the stubbornness to prove that something Casaluce may change, and the mesh on proc, without thinking about all the background that might occur, unfortunately, the smart district of our country if they are found in any list presented, the common good, the good citizens, good to live in a civilized country, is always secondary to economic and business revolves around a country.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Best Knife Teppanyaki


"This blog is a reflection gained from my little political path."
In recent years my feelings and my passion had turned to that color by the political tradition that my family was preaching in the last election have been nominated for the list Casaluce project, a list composed from different political traditions, and I was one of the candidates of the socialist tradition, today I believe that my debt with the socialists was well paid, and now walk with their feet and with his own ideas, with understandable reasons, by making the hatred that has been circulating the air in recent anni.Oggi I find the "turning point" in the ideas that I professed but never applied to me, with the renewal which was one of the cornerstones of the victory of the list of the civic movement ;
I decided to go my way, I will be free of any constraint is passionate and personal Casaluce needs men free from feelings and political colors, compared to 124 of my constituents who still want to thank, despite not having been elected from outside the city council will make a 'constructive opposition and prudent, my commitment is manifested in many ways, not just with the blog will be made a little comic, and if there are forms of aggregations of young people and fewer young people willing to follow a common path, I'll be happy to give my contribution, their roles and ideas. Also in this blog
policy will not be the only argument, there will be room for my other hobbies, which included the world of cruises, and football, especially my favorite team.