Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How To Get Hair Off My Northface


I finally manage to publish my first leg of the SAL PS, this is also my first stage of the first SAL .... how exciting!

These are the first two letters of this cute and easy to Sal.
few days we should start the letters C and D, and despite the many commitments that I have, I can not wait to start!

Lots of kisses to all ..... Among

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wild Thornberrys Wildlife Rescue Play Online

"Lights and shadows, but it is indelible figure"

Craxi, Napolitano scrive alla vedova  "Luci e ombre, ma è figura incancellabile"
ROME - "I want to express my personal closeness in a moment that is for you particularly sadness, in the memory of events that ended tragically. "Thus begins the letter which the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano wrote to Anna Craxi , wife of former socialist leader . a letter waiting. That comes on the anniversary of ten years after his death in exile, of Craxi . "I felt obliged to write to the memory of the figure and work of her husband" a contribution "to the non-erasable impression left in a complex interplay of light and shadow, the life of our democratic state," writes Napolitano . Figure discussed, that of Craxi. The protagonist of Italian political life, swept away by Cyclone Clean Hands and died in Hammamet, Tunisia. Figure that still divides and creates controversy. What is certain, says the president of the Republic, is that the figure of Craxi, "can not be sacrificed just to talk about the responsibilities sanctioned by the courts. Our democratic state can not allow removal of the distortions and gender.

Tangentopoli and the voluntary exile . Napolitano The letter recounts the events that led to the socialist leaders in Tunisia. I am thinking back to the early 90s, remembers Tangentopoli and "the succession, in a dramatic two-year period of investigations and judicial processes, which led, among other things, a dual all'incriminazione and final conviction in a criminal court" of Craxi. That recalls the head of state, "he decided to leave the country while they were still in full swing to the court proceedings against him." This was, Napolitano continues a period of "troubled" that requires reconstruction "cursory and not unilateral." A time when you created a political vacuum that led to''a sharp shift in balance in the relationship between politics and justice '.

Investigations . Then the president addresses the thorny matter of the investigations that Craxi was sentenced. Look at the president, as the socialist leader opened the way for institutional innovations in foreign policy and provided an undeniable contribution to the creation of a new identity of Italian diplomacy. He stresses Craxi has suffered "with a harshness unprecedented" the burden of responsibility "Welcome to the degenerative and denounced" the socialist leader. Recalling also a ruling critical of the trials against Craxi: "We can not forget that the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg believed in 2002 that he was violating the 'right to a fair trial' to one of the aspects covered by the Convention European Union ".

Politics and corruption . What remains open, writes the President of the Republic, is the "persistent lack of answers on the financing of politics and the fight against corruption in public life." Craxi Napolitano recalled the words of the House on 3 July '92, noting that around the party system "had come to spread 'degeneration, corruptions, abuse." Hoping, finally, "a serene and shared view of the difficult path of democracy in the first half-century Italian Republic". And pointing to the reforms, the same c "hhtentò to no avail."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lana Morgan Streaming

PS 1, Post of the Year ....

Good evening guys ....
... this is the very first post of 2010, we hope that many others will follow.

First of all I want to wish a Happy 2010, although with some delay, and the reader does not read my blog!

Since the beginning of new year I, Valentina, Francesca , Rosalba Marilena and we started a new "adventure" in the SAL PS.
For this first month we would be engaged in the first two letters A and B.
I show the material that I've got a lovely haberdashery near Reggio Emilia.

I decided to use the color chart and recommended by a ecru aida fabric.
I did not want to choose the linen, because I'm still doing practice.

I will keep you informed on progress.

Greetings and Kisses
