Monday, July 19, 2010

Example Of A Community Service Completion Letter

It 's really a long time since I do not write ...
... and above all is a bit of time that does not "put down" some xxx! (
The university is absorbing all my energy and at the same time not
not going too well! I had three exams in preparation for the end of July, but I find myself with a poor test data and a project delivered! (
The 1st week of August Kekko leads me in Val di Sole in the Dolomites to spend a few days relaxing and quiet. I can not wait to leave!!
I so really need some peace with my love.

The xxx in this period should not be better, I was back with the SAL PS, and I hope as soon as I could catch up.
I 1000 ideas that I hum to his head and I can not complete even one.

Meanwhile, hoping that this period ends soon, I promised to write more often.
In the next post, if I can, I post photos in anticipation of a "chore" (always inherent in the xxx) I'm trying to move forward ... even though I know it will be something very, very long. There is nothing in advance, I leave you with curiosity. : P

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Do You Insert File To Autocad


The text, after the yes of the Senate, the House could come by the end of July, although some members of the PDL of the opportunity to speak shift the debate to settembre.Ma what will change if a eavesdropping should become a state law? The most relevant points are due.La first major difference is the instrument of wiretapping in investigations conducted by prosecutors and police made giudiziaria.La second is the censorship imposed on journalists and publishers, with strong limitations freedom of information. To whom it may be intercepted? Today to bring under control a telephone number you need the authorization of a judge, when someone is investigating on suspicion of having committed a reato.Con the new rules can be intercepted only people on hang in serious indications of guilt and only for certain offenses: mafia, terrorism, kidnapping, stalking and punished with more than of 5 years imprisonment, the length of wiretapping phones can now be brought under control for the duration of the preliminary investigation. With the bill approved by the Senate limit is 75 days. If there are reasons motivated the prosecutor may ask the investigating judge for a further three days in three days. For more serious offenses, you may extend for 40 days, plus another 20 still extended.
"> The eavesdropping Today's investigators can place microphones in public places and private, to the end of the investigation. Under the new law no more microphones placed in the home or car. Bedbugs will be allowed a maximum of three days, renewable for other tre.Norma Transitional rules if you become law would also apply to pending litigation. So if the assumption of the charge of processes that started had been gathering evidence against the accused with unauthorized wiretapping and environmental records regularly with the old rules would have no value, if they were off the roof of the 75 days for first and 3 days for seconde.Addio process of the crack. Today
pm can go on TV to talk about the investigation of which he owns. If the wiretapping bill if it did become law could be replaced by the head of his ufficio.Niente even more cameras during the public hearings. Now you just need the agreement of the judge presiding over the hearing in question. The future should register for images and words should serve as the absence of the President of the Court of Appeal. Censorship
Currently, if a journalist publishes interceptions, which hangs on the confidentiality of investigations, risk a month in jail avoided paying a fine of € 281. No fine is expected in the future rules editori.Con the journalist can not publish the acts of the investigation in full until the end of the preliminary hearing. The intercepts, however, may not be published in whole or in summary form to the process. In case the reporter would risk crashing the rule a month in jail avoided a fine of 10 000 euro.Gli acts of investigation, however, may be published not in quotes but only on a riassunto.Stangata editoriPer publishers, however, there would be a fine of 300 000 € if you publish textual passages of interceptions, 450 thousand euro if it is unrelated to the wiretapping of people who go to fatti.Oggi Print interception or acts covered by the confidentiality of investigations could face up to one year in prison. With the new rules there will be a maximum penalty of 6 years.

the rule of Addadrio
now anyone can record a conversation secretly, as did the escort Patrick D'Addario with Berlusconi at Palazzo Grazioli, or as is often the news and The Strip Iene.Con the wiretapping bill these records are allowed only professional journalists and publicists, or if there is a half Stato.Per the security of other jail from 6 months to 4 anni.Oggi if a priest is trapped the prosecutor has no duty to warn the church authorities. Under the new rules, the magistrate must inform the diocese, if the intercept is a bishop must inform the Vatican secretariat of state. Marco Massa

The message that comes with many Italian citizens with the approval of this bill and what they want to avoid using the media to disclose all information relating to crimes committed by dishonest people who exploit their position of power, leggiferando piaccimendo them without scratching the interest values. After the fall of the Prodi government due to misunderstanding between the political forces of the majority of the time, made the election Italians choose to govern again berlusconi (the new messiah), by the electoral law made specifically for him in parliament brings many of his followers, many lawyers, and many suspects for various crimes, convicted in first instance, so many papers. Start the legislature and begin to get the first laws swine or also called "ad personam, with a current global crisis, the first problem to be solved and the protection of the first officers of the state (presidents, prime minister-presidents and room Senate and the President of the Constitutional Court) called Alfano law, which suspends all investigations made by the judiciary in relation to these institutional positions "The law is equal for all"! After a disaster occurred in Abruzzo is done by protecting the civil reconstruction of the affected area, making use of "special procedures" trust all contracts of major events such as the G8 and the sports complex for world swimming made in Rome (not used) and the same earthquake Aquila, the result of many public money poorly spent with excellent stops by the Director General of Public Works and other people connected to the Clique SO CALLED. Coming off the bill or even bringing back the press gag law under fascism, a bill which deprives the judiciary of an important consequence of corruption will increase even more, the smart district of the increase, the only honest people will pay for respecting the laws made by a parliament that does not exist as the many votes of confidence to them.