Saturday, September 26, 2009

Red And White Tablecloths


historic turning point in Casaluce , after twenty years is the return of the shield crusader.
The components of this section, most of them were candidates in municipal elections with the list "Together for Casaluce "(former strength Italy) have decided not to join the PDL , becoming in Democrats, with a collogazione precise and perhaps opportunistic therefore shifted the focus of policy Casalucese toward the center.
I think the architects of this section had the courage to go on an adventure that has arisen during the elections, have made choices and now we must take note of this event, which will certainly help to Casaluce , because when it comes to open a place where we discuss politics and issues to be addressed in a democratic form and always be appreciated, but when you close the sections because the common purpose is lacking this is an act to be condemned. A question to myself
Casaluce will have a unique section of the center-left?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Problems With Avitar Car Starters

Reading ...

Although I have little free time available to me, among my many passions is also my reading!
I do not read the usual "bricks", but I enjoy sopprattutto on Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller Novels. I recently read

Marked (Kristin Cast - PC Cast), a beautiful book that tells the story of a girl in a school of vampires ....:

" " My name is Zoey, I'm sixteen, an apprehensive mother, a stepfather and a standoffish big sister all prissy. And for a long time I was convinced that these were the my problems. I was wrong.
Because one day I received the mark: a blue crescent moon tattooed on the forehead. And everything changed.

You must know that Mark is the first step to becoming a vampire. The next is to enter the House of Night, a school where you learn to control their powers and to address the delicate phase of transformation. What happens then? Alternative one: I become a vampire, that I become more than human, stronger, smarter, more talented. Alternative two: my body rejects the Transformation and I die. Forever. But even this is my problem big. Oh, no.
The fact is that my brand is different from that of others is a sign of incredible capacity for a girl my age, and this does not help to make new friends. Not to mention that Aphrodite, the president of the Dark Daughters, the school's most exclusive club, has not taken very well my "superiority". I mean I hate it.
Sometimes I would go back, but I can not. Also because here in the House of Night, is going on is something deeply wrong and dangerous. And I'm the only one who can stop him. "

(Those of you who are interested, here can find the beginning of the book!)

I had so much passion that I read it in 4 days!

Now right now are in the middle with "Mortal Remains" (by Laurell K. Hamilton), a book about Anita Blake, a vampire huntress (oddly )!!!!

" raise the dead to Anita Blake, vampire hunter, the most famous of America, has become a routine operation. It's his job. It is also very useful when we want to shed light in a case of disputed inheritance or assassination. But if the deceased in question is liable to three hundred years, the matter becomes more complicated because you need a human sacrifice, and Anita is not willing to kill anyone, not even for a million dollars. So it was offered and so she refused. Matter closed? Quite the contrary. As a consultant of the investigation team for the supernatural crimes, Anita has been called for to help in the investigation of a series of brutal murders. Police grope in the dark and even Anita is puzzled: none of the creatures that you know well - vampires, werewolves, scavengers - could have committed such terrible crimes. But then an idea makes its way into his mind: what if someone else had raised the zombie centuries old and had transformed into an inhuman killer? "

This is the second book in the Anita Blake series, the first is entitled" Blood Knot ".

Yeah I know, I'm reading a bit macabre, but they help to divert head study from books!:)

In the next post I'll list the next book I read!
You, however, read that book ??????

Kisses to all. Francesca

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nissan X-trail Roof Rack

Top Jobs!

This post I want to dedicate my first jobs:
  • This is a beautiful album that I stitched and then got a sweet child, how you may have guessed by the name of James, for his baptism. As soon as I saw in the window of a shop of a photographer, I fell in love.
  • This, however, is a little experiment that I began to be able to give my sweetheart. I'm embroidering "Two Hearts and a Rose" to try to create a magnet to attack the refrigerator.
  • All this stuff is unbelievably, all my stuff for cross stitching, with all of the jobs that will begin next, and which I will keep you informed!

Can I Use The Subwoofer From Harman Kardon

Meet Romeo .... Finally

I present to you my little Romeo .... How wonderful ?!?!? (What modesty .....:)) Also known as Romy or Muffin!
It 's a "single copy" of Maltese, has one year and a half and is very lively!
It 's like a baby for me, there never move away from each other too much because it is always next to me!
A big kiss to all of you!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Américan Dad Doujinshi

Finally I decided to write the first post on my new blog.
I introduce myself, my name is Francesca (or as I call among all), I'm 20 years old and Romagna!! There are currently enrolled in 2nd year of college!
My free time is dedicated to my boyfriend, my dog \u200b\u200bRomeo, which very soon will publish the photos and reading!
embroidery puntoX mom taught me since I was small, but until now I never made a habit, but now with the stress of studying for the work and the hectic life, I discovered that "puntocrocettare" a few hours at night before bedtime relaxes me, more is something that I really like!
Now I finally decided to share with all who follow my blog, my little work!!