Saturday, September 26, 2009

Red And White Tablecloths


historic turning point in Casaluce , after twenty years is the return of the shield crusader.
The components of this section, most of them were candidates in municipal elections with the list "Together for Casaluce "(former strength Italy) have decided not to join the PDL , becoming in Democrats, with a collogazione precise and perhaps opportunistic therefore shifted the focus of policy Casalucese toward the center.
I think the architects of this section had the courage to go on an adventure that has arisen during the elections, have made choices and now we must take note of this event, which will certainly help to Casaluce , because when it comes to open a place where we discuss politics and issues to be addressed in a democratic form and always be appreciated, but when you close the sections because the common purpose is lacking this is an act to be condemned. A question to myself
Casaluce will have a unique section of the center-left?


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