Thursday, September 3, 2009

Américan Dad Doujinshi

Finally I decided to write the first post on my new blog.
I introduce myself, my name is Francesca (or as I call among all), I'm 20 years old and Romagna!! There are currently enrolled in 2nd year of college!
My free time is dedicated to my boyfriend, my dog \u200b\u200bRomeo, which very soon will publish the photos and reading!
embroidery puntoX mom taught me since I was small, but until now I never made a habit, but now with the stress of studying for the work and the hectic life, I discovered that "puntocrocettare" a few hours at night before bedtime relaxes me, more is something that I really like!
Now I finally decided to share with all who follow my blog, my little work!!


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