Saturday, January 29, 2011

Homemade Cheer Sticks


Hello girls / i!! Finally, do not seem true, I start with the recipes! In this holiday season I want to stay home and take the opportunity to pick up the pace.

To begin with, an American recipe, straight from the house of my American professor! The recipe is the one used by his mom ... High risk then! But the result was perfect, as evidenced by a text message from the guinea pig: "But your banana bread is excellent! How did you do ???". He told me that is exactly the same as that of his mother. Exam passed!

The recipe now! (As I made it, I had no buttermilk and I did not add the nuts, by directive of Prof!).



1 1 / 4 cup sugar

1 / 2 cup butter, softened 2 eggs


ripe bananas 1 / 2 cup plain yogurt 1 tsp vanilla

(I did not put me seems)

1 1 / 2 cup flour 1 tsp

baking soda 1 tsp salt

Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees.

Work butter and sugar until creamy. Add eggs and mounted with electric whips. Add mashed bananas, yogurt and vanilla. Beat well.

Add the flour, baking soda and salt and mix.

Pour the mixture into a buttered loaf pan (I fund a little bit of butter and then spreads well well with a brush).

Bake on the second floor of the oven, from the bottom up. Cook for an hour and a quarter with heat underneath it all, but keep an eye on! After 50 'I put the heat both above and below. Valid proof of toothpicks.


Cool for 10 minutes then remove from the mold and let it cool on a rack.

Wait at least 2 hours before slicing.

It keeps very well if you wrap tightly in foil. You can also put it in the fridge to keep it more.


Council? Warm the slices in the microwave before eating.

mode use.

Professor Bear : butter.

My: jam pineapple.



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