Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Driver 067b-2303 Descargar

Cinnamon Rolls Banana Bread

Hehehehehe! I know I know what you're going to say ... I am given to American recipes! But I'm on vacation, and I'm 3 days out of three that we go to sleep and wake at 4 past noon. I mean, all my good intentions for these holidays is standardized so blessed by this morning I rebelled, with superhuman effort, I got up and I went home to cook something good.

my secret but maybe is allergic to milk, so two weeks should do the test and lactose-free eating. So these are the last days to finish all the cheese and bake cakes sbolognargli.

As usual I am eternally indecisive and never know what to cook first. He wanted to buy the basic preparation for the cinnamon rolls, but we have not found it, and I in my heart I had already decided to make him the same. Then I saw the recipe and it was quite a pain in the ass , if you'll pardon the finesse. So I decided to redo the margarine and banana bread using soy milk instead of yogurt, but I did not have enough bananas and receiving just did. Then I came up with a recipe for jam banana and coconut Azabel , and I thought to combine the plum Ady, without milk or butter.

Then I was reminded that this is the only time I have some 'time and I'm home and I can cook with some effort, so I convert to take advantage. Well, I thought , if you do not do now, sti cinnamon rolls, when I get them?

So here goes. Again, following the recipe of his mother.


For the dough:

3 1 / 2 to 4 cups of flour

1 / 3 cup sugar 1 tsp salt

2 packets of dried yeast Mastro Fornaio (= 4 1 / 2 tsp) + 2 teaspoons of sugar, because here I have the fresh yeast 1 cup milk

1 / 4 cup margarine, at room temperature (= 57g) 1 large egg

For the filling: (double doses of cinnamon rolls if you want even more soft, moist and tasty)

1 / 2 cup sugar 2 tsp

ground cinnamon 1 / 4 cup butter at room temperature


1 / 2 cup raisins

1 / 4 cup chopped nuts

For the icing: (double the dose if you can not get enough! I have not done for lack of ingredients, but next time I prepare the first !)

1 cup powdered sugar 1 tbsp butter

at room temperature 1 / 2 tsp vanilla

1 to 2 tbsp milk

Mix 2 cups flour with sugar, salt and baking powder with 2 teaspoons of sugar with a wooden spoon.


Heat the milk with the butter in the microwave for a few minutes. It should be about 50 degrees. Add the milk with the butter, and then the egg.


started working electric mixer, first for 1 minute on low speed, then, after scraping the dough from the edges, go another minute at medium speed.




Add the remaining flour 1 / 2 cup at a time, mixing with a wooden spoon.


I have not added all the flour, I have served a total of more than 3 cups for mixing. You must have a sticky dough and soft.

Transfer the dough on a floured surface and begin kneading, adding a little flour on your hands or on the floor if too sticky.

Knead for 6-8 minutes. You will find that when it is ready, even without adding flour, the dough will be shiny but it does NOT stick to the plan or the hands.

Lightly grease a bowl and adjourn to the mixture, collected a ball.


grease it well and cover with foil and not pulled with a dish cloth. Let rise 1 hour 1 ½ hours or until it has doubled in size. I've put off and warmed in the oven, it is rose that is a pleasure.


Crush your ball gently to remove air, then transfer it and take it on the floured surface. With a floured rolling pin, roll the dough into a rectangle as regular as possible. The dough is soft and elastic and is easily worked.


Mix sugar and cinnamon and melt the butter.

Brush the rectangle of dough with butter, if you want you can help with a brush. Spargeteci Then the mixture of sugar and cinnamon, and if you had planned, raisins and nuts.


ready the baking tray lined with parchment paper.

gradually, starting with the longest side of rectangle, roll it up himself. I'm done with the fingers moistened with water.


With a knife, cut the roll into slices of 2.5 cm each, and arrange on the plate apart from each other.



Soft Cover with foil and left to rise for 30 minutes.


You can then remove the foil and bake. But I put the plate in the oven because the appearance and Professor G. dinner and want to taste still warm! I do not know if it will work, but ... If I tell you wait in line in direct route! Occhiolino


they are!

Sfornateli just colorful and prepare the glaze as it cools.

Mix the powdered sugar, vanilla (I used vanilla sugar icing so no vanilla), a tablespoon of butter, very soft, and then the milk or water to create a glaze. You can add if the quantity is not enough.

casting the frosting on cinnamon rolls with a spoon, creating decorative strips. Here he's taken him, so no stripes, but who cares!


lukewarm Taste them! We

we ate them as dessert after a dinner quite huge but still we did an encore. If it were not here, and Prof. G., I would create a set. They're great! Even for me that I'm getting used to cinnamon, which was previously an unknown as my mom does not like. The taste is not too strong but it's delicious!



This morning we ate them for breakfast: heated in the microwave are now fluffiest! With a nice coffee ... A real treat!


Just enjoy!


Ah, do it at the end was not as complicated as I thought ... I know that I repeat them!

Happy Chinese New Year's Eve!


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