Thursday, December 10, 2009

Extremely Sensitive Cervix In Pregnancy


post revived in July 2009
The waste problem is only a matter of economics. To have an increase in waste collection
citizens should have a value. One way would be giving an economic value to the selected material, and at the end of the calendar year the city should receive a reduction of the waste tax. In many cities of Italy the collection differentiated made door to door of different materials (paper, glass, aluminum, etc.) has achieved excellent results, with rates in media arrive AL50%. This means that Casaluce could achieve good results, renegotiate with the company that manages the method of collection, looked forward to a return to nationals economic based on the amount collected, resulted in a chain mechanism, with a strong decrease of the waste tax. Yesterday
Secretary listed a number of countries defaulting collection differentiated waste including Casaluce and
according to the percentage found liable
dissolution .
Casaluce burden does not deserve this one, maybe it was an error communication between the municipality and the commissioner of government, but we must understand that today the collection differentiated must be one of the programmatic this administration , why risk a new dissolution would be yet another defeat of Casalucesi ; 's administration maybe he just settled underestimated the problem of waste, and did not put as a priority the differentiated . The Mayor is also good show and fight those threats made by Bertolaso \u200b\u200b , but blame the administrators past including elected even in its list, with a repetitive slogan "the last thirty years," as if he were still in the election campaign. C redo the feeling of disapproval , and the cause of the conflict against the government commissioner, may be married by all citizens, without excluding anyone.
December 2009
The Commissariat government Bertolaso \u200b\u200b put back Casaluce municipalities likely to loose failure the collection differentiated , given the low percentages.
Personally I think the government commissioner must give time to our mayor, I have just five months that job, and efforts are being made today the country appears completely different from before, because in the last 24 months the management of the town was made by the triad commissioner sent by the prefecture, so if it was through Bertolaso \u200b\u200b by a Ministerial Decree 's interior minister, unfortunately melt Casaluce , the result would be the ' disbanded of himself! I think the feeling of casalucesi and to oppose this request, our country today needs peace and political stability, and no one not even the "state" can do such an act, I believe that all people will be close to ' administration , giving moral support, to use to descend into the streets, providing support for the mayor on a possible use of the judiciary .


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