Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rocco Siffredi Cross Reference

Tree! We're almost to Christmas

Girls here is the Christmas tree in my house :
What you say? You like?
Every year we always put a great effort to do it, why not Christmas without a beautiful tree!
It It is true that lack a little bit of presents underneath, but as every year I end up packing them always at the last minute!

Just look who was lying comfortably decorated the tree while the undersigned .. ..
Carino true!

not know about you ... the days before Christmas are super mega busy: from university exams, the dinners, the preparations for Christmas and New Year to decide what to do.
Well, for now you have decided how to spend the Christmas Eve.
I and my friends are organizing the Christmas Eve dinner at my house. We are organizing a mouth-watering menu. Everything will be decided soon will post photos and recipes.
After dinner, most likely, we will plan to go to the cinema and see a good Christmas movie.

soon. Many Kisses


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