Monday, September 20, 2010

Dogs Lactose Intolerant Cottage Cheese

remedy for nostalgia ... ;)

I have pangs of nostalgia and his absence is unbearable! Damn!
Thursday night I knew I would leave the next day, so I had a few hours to organize everything: to postpone the move, contact the owner and tell her, trying to pack the clothes in cardboard boxes ready, notify the family, the little stuff sbolognare fridge and my plants in someone, and say goodbye to my Prof. Bear, which let us say, was the only thing I care.

This early departure has ruined my last weekend with the professor and my plans for clarification ... Yes well, I wanted to leave knowing they will not be just a friend, and make it clear.
Patience ... In the end I refused to refuse a favor to the company for this reason, and I think I did well.
But I would never game without saying goodbye, so I wrote him Thursday, he called me to get an explanation and we agreed to move the plants in his house the day before he surrendered the car rented. E 'come I have realized that something was wrong, we did everything in a hurry but he was agitated because there was a traffic absurd everywhere. At the end we managed to arrive at 17.30 just right! I was hoping calms a bit 'because I said that was a bad day to forget, and instead we were there 45 minutes, because they have tried to trick us and get paid more. Well ... 18.15 am arrived and I reluctantly told him that I had to go, that there was no time for coffee. In the end we tried to take a taxi together, but nothing to do, was the time of change and no taxi was available free or around. I feared I would lose the plane ... I still had to finish the case and get to the airport ... But not to think about these things myself, if this is it!

I finally begged a girl to us has taken up on his taxi. He then became close to leave his home, greeting the hasty taxi stopped in the queue: (.

At the end I did it quietly, staying with him has made me much faster and more practical in everything concerning the travel . I waited in the taxi home, and he wrote me. He apologized for making me lose time, wished me a safe journey and told me that he would feel alone, alone on the beach ... And I am overjoyed game !

The trip was long but I had no technical problems with the delivery, which already took for granted, I have come to take boxes and I have even seen her home after a tour of the various companies.

The first thing I did was look for him on Skype and tell him that I had arrived, as I had requested. He was online but did not answer, and I was already in distress, pathetic.
Then I get an email that asks me if I am alive, it is home and that the weekend was a bit 'boring without me ... And I put out the wings of happiness, and I began to twirl on the ceiling!

I miss so much. I went to look at his album on Picasa and all the places where it was and the various girls who were with him and I realized that I have a fear of being Executioner only one of them, which will appear in a couple of photo albums and nothing more. A ride. But I want to stay, a beautiful residence visa, to stay on the subject! Otherwise I probably should not have anything. When you realize that you know what you want, and you are not sure that is the same as the other person wants, or you have no right to ask him, and just say if you want things different? I'm thinking about. Those photos have enlightened me, I will not be a ride. It is enough. About

resident visas ... I'll have to go to Milan twice in recent days, trying to get my visa. In short, I was organizing everything as I wrote here, and guess the surprise?? Well, Laura will be waiting at the station! Ahahahaha Who would have guessed?? I was organizing the meeting with Delia , I discovered a great place in town to attend, and I spout another blogger!! So cool, I also anticipated that Laura brings me to a place that I like ... Let's say I trust her, and I can not wait ??!!??

ragassuole Well, now you'd better go and prepare table ... See you soon with other updates!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Check Availability Of Ontario Plates

kiwi tart with chocolate crust

I had to leave by train to Beijing Tuesday, before boarding the plane the next morning, but I was sent to 'special mission' by the company I work for make an important delivery within Friday morning. So, after all decided Thursday night, 24 hours later, after having left my plants and have almost lost the plane after having accompanied my Prof. Bear to return the rented car, I left. Well, I am in Italy for almost three weeks!



For the chocolate shortbread:

180 g butter

130 g sugar / powdered sugar

1 egg and 1 egg yolk

290 g flour

40 g cocoa

pinch of salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

a bit 'yeast

For the cream:

1 egg yolk

4 tablespoons sugar 70 g flour

1 / 2 cups milk

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

the juice of 1 orange

4 children gelatin

200 g of white chocolate

lemon juice 1

1 / 2 sachet of powdered gelatine

2 kiwi

Make the pastry working the butter with the sugar, then add the eggs. Stir, add salt and slowly the flour mixed with cocoa, baking powder and vanilla.

soon as possible by hand, make a ball of dough, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate half an hour.

Line a mold of 28 cm, prick the bottom, cover with greaseproof paper, fill with rice or beans, and bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the filling: Beat the egg yolks with sugar, add flour and then the cold milk with vanilla. Put on the heat and stir until thicken. Add the melted white chocolate you have in the meantime.

Melt 2 sheets of gelatine in orange juice heated, add to the cream. United 2 more sheets of gelatin in the cream and let them dissolve.

Pour into pastry shell, level. Cut the kiwi into thin slices and arrange over the cream.

Prepare the gelatine by dissolving half a bag of lemon juice and water, which have slightly sweetened.

Once ready pour over the cake. Refrigerate.


My friend Mary had made this cake a couple of years ago, and I liked it so much, although I am not a fanatic the crust. Still, the orange juice and cream wrap because of white chocolate, which contrasts with the dark crust. A feast for the eyes and the palate.

and spend time, and I still had not had time to do it again.

Yesterday was a good time today we would go to my grandmother, uncles and cousins, and they would have paired me if I dared to present without cake, so I had to put to work, trying to reproduce what I remembered. The pastries are my tools in China, and ingredients in the house were not many, so I opted for a tart, but it was tempting for them that they always want something new and unusual in the family, where the cakes that my aunt prepared, though delicious, are always the same. This tart seemed perfect, and I was right, because it was a huge success, far beyond my expectations. My cousin told me that the cake is by far the most delicious I've ever eaten, along with another chocolate I had done, and that I do not remember. I do not agree, I think I've done better, but I was really glad to hear such comments of course! Next time I want to use the aroma of orange juice instead, because I felt little.


Have an eye for the pastry, to which I added a bit of yeast because, as Mary had done, was so hard that you had to sweat to cut it into slices all chopped. Turn off the oven even if it seems too soft ... Cool to harden.

You can replace with another kiwi fruit, strawberries, for example, would be very good. Peaches also believe, and in this case suggest adding the powdered amaretto shortbread dough, cream and flavored with peach juice instead of orange. Well ... you can indulge! Always good will!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cloe & Paula Streaming

Good Ninna

Maybe deep down we knew all the time, but maybe deep down we kept to hope because we knew you could not leave. When they informed me yesterday, I have not even thought, sure it was another mistake.

It 's funny how two, eight, fifteen or thirty years, we continue to see ever a possibility.

We are all happy that the only pain you have endured since Aug. 12 Have you been asleep to never wake up, it was a big headache. Let

many people that we loved him, friends and family that you have abandoned a moment, during the last few weeks. Those who know you for a lifetime, and they know the smaller your secrets to those who, like me, you have met later, but the six immediately appealed. Let memories, movies and photos, a home that speaks to you, with your French cookery books on pregnancy and still open, and many things still not done. As our super-dinner for four hands. As our next trip together. You always think you have more time than you have.
Let a guy who is showing a strength admirable, and we believe he has learned from you. As he puts it, we like to think you were waiting for Vincent was better to leave. We hope to have taken your strength, and that can do it, to have a memory of you, and give it to G. reason of serenity. Do not worry that we will all be next, although we can never replace you.

I know that there will be many occasions when we stop and we'll quietly, reminding you. In one of the restaurants where we were, if ever I return to Shanghai, when I see a Lemon Tarte, or when playing Truco and we will come to mind you, because you were competitive and prefessional in everything, even playing cards. And when we talk about something committed, and there will not be your passion and your strength of conviction, that A. has always appreciated because to defend your positions so admirable, and that was not your language. 'Arguments so proud ... It would be a perfect Italian, 'I added. And everyone agreed and we escaped a smile of nostalgia.

You do not know these things, you were already asleep.
Well, do not bother you as well ... Ssshhh! Sleep peacefully.

Hello Maggie.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pir Sensor Working But Light Stays On

American Home-made breakfast ... The joy of cooking together

Well, I promised you ... But I had to wait for the chef to feel 'in vein '.

Friday night I reached my Professor Bear all'Lpg with other friends. He was cute with me, I have served all evening and was completely devoted to me, all the time. He also told me that he had something for me, but I can not say what. However, a cuteness. We shared a whiskey and after I had been drinking he said he now knew me and that was even better. Michael, his friend also told me that A. had told him of the trip that we had to do, and what surprised me, because I was thoroughly convinced that did not inform anyone about it, much less would have specified that the road we would be just me and him. But ...

Then we went home, the only place where I can now sleep like a log and with a smile. He had to work a bit 'again and the next morning I said that I fell asleep on the couch in under one minute.

Friday evening I had proposed to make the pancakes again, but it was not the first time that says when it's a bit 'tipsy, so I have not deluded ... But on Saturday morning has been said, and pancakes are been! Actually there was no butter, so I did do a detour to my house to pick him up, and take the opportunity to do a few errands. I can not wait to live in the other home will be much easier! However, on my return had already prepared everything for the pancakes ... Dough


and scrambled eggs


Even Sander would come to breakfast. While the chef was preparing to stir, he called his brother from Hawaii, so, given that it lasted for long, he asked me before mixing ... Then he had to go to buy the forks (in the house has two forks and a knife that cuts, which I did buy myself), so that I did my work. When he returned he told me that I have a natural talent and were much more beautiful than his, so I did that end. He has spoken on the eggs. Well, I do not know whether this is natural talent, the fact is that its the first time they were delicious and beautiful! So will I still want to consider something that he cooked for me, and that among other things, was the first time in my life, (that a guy has cooked for me, I mean).

A. 's Pancakes



1 package prepared for pancakes eggs


salted butter maple syrup


Well yes, he uses the preparation in the box, and then you add eggs and milk ... What did you expect? But come on, be quiet ... When I move I will manage to get them from beginning to end, and of course re-post it! For now, only photos, and two simple rules:

-follow instructions on the package, adding what is needed. Then beat well until dough is smooth ... He does everything by eye, and adds a little more than 'of preparation. And beat them with a fork. He says that even if it is not perfect, is more 'rustic'. I am in full agreement, even if the mania of perfectionism meant that, while he was on the phone, started my war with the lumps and emerged victorious and satisfied, even if aware that we have a problem.


-you want a trick? What will make your pancakes into something really special?

Well, I used salted butter to cook them ... Just a little bit for the first, then you can continue to make others without having to re-grease ... Every now and then repeat.

Even by themselves, just sautéed, are the end of the world! If I had not had to take pictures, I made them out to everyone as they were ready ... Just like we did last time;)!

short anoint with a little 'salted butter the pan, then when it's nice warm place in the middle of a ladle batter. When it begins to make bubbles (very quickly), turn your pancakes.


Et voila! Pronto! Continue until you finish the dough, re-greasing as necessary.

Then do the eggs, milk, eggs, grated cheese, salt, oregano (at least, he has done so).



And here is our American breakfast:


And my model:


So the photo above under the heading I had it in mind for a lifetime ... The first time he had done a fantastic ... The tower of pancakes butter was well distributed and the syrup dripping with art ... And I did not have the car with me. -.- '

This time I had it but he has agreed to be my model, but refused to change his shirt (I wanted a blue T-shirt), and above all I have forgotten the lessons of Ivan about Photoshop. Damn what a shame, it was fantastic in my head, but between saying there and doing my inability and lack of cooperation ... Not that I can just blame, since before I moved to allow him to eat ten times your hands ... Let's say I would not pull too far. Anyway, that shirt is great, and with pancakes in front, makes its 'rustic', as there like us.


However, seasoned with a few pieces of salted butter and a nice flow of maple syrup, and inforchettate ... Enjoy! Along with a nice cup of coffee smoking (American ours, vanilla and macadamia nut).

A royal breakfast.

Saturday afternoon I fell asleep on the couch. I do not know what's wrong house, but to sleep forever. The fact is that I took her in his arms, he settled back on the long side of the couch, and I was covered. Then he and Sander were whispering in the kitchen floor until the bell is sounded, at which point I woke up and I no longer wanted to stay despite his insistence.

So then we looked at a picture of their old Halloween or other holidays ... I was not there then, but I would have liked to have so many photos of us remember ... I have no longer made and if anyone thinks I am.

When the guests went home he and I are dedicated to his 'gift to me' the night before, then we both fell asleep again. I told you, that house is portentous.

the evening I had dinner with colleagues, then I went home and then travel to eat, and after I asked him where he was and he was at home, so I reached there. We finished watching a movie and then we went to sleep that it was already 3.

This weekend he was again very sweet, we have always stayed embraced all intertwined. Mica you succeed with everyone! I generally I do not have space in my bed that I sleep with cabbage! Instead he takes me hold me and voila, I find myself in the most comfortable and happy! It 's great. He loves to caress the hair, just like me, so we spoil a lot. I'm so in love.

Sunday we went to B & Q to check the paint and other things. He has made up his mind to add plants and replant those which have already, so I helped to choose the right size pots and saucers. Damn I brought them to him to choose some other blue and cream-colored clear, they are beautiful together!

Bettina Then we met and had lunch together. And then, after several discussions and exchanges of advice on various projects, we headed home.

We were waiting for a taxi when he said:

"You look pretty today", and while I did take something away from the hair.

I immediately asked him what I had was wrong and he said "Nothing."

"So why are you making fun of me?”

”I’m not making fun, I just said that you are pretty today”

”Yea, but that’s weird!”

”Yes, it's so weird... because you usually look soooo orrible. Why is that weird?”

”Because it’s… weird” e sono arrossita.

”Mmh… That’s not good”.

Well, I said I was beautiful today! And I was not even wearing makeup and I was horrible because I was at his house and had nothing to make myself decent! That's nice how nice! So at least he also understood that his compliments are so rare that I can hardly believe it! : D

By now we should have in Xi'an, eating and walking in the Muslim Street ... We talked about it with Bettina and I was complaining about the weather, the summer here was very bad, I'm missing the sea, I want to go to a summer place, and she comes out with a "Go to Hawaai, to A. 's brother."

I told her that he probably would have gone, and she, undaunted: "Go with him". I dropped the subject, but I hope that he has heard. I really thought there already for centuries, but know we can not decide to join as well. Anyway ...

We returned home, I still think that "You look pretty", then called William, and has joined us while we took out the plants.

I was in the bathroom for a moment that they call me saying they need my help, so I'm putting us, and I directed the transplantation of ferns and other plants with large bulbs. It was a pretty funny scene, Guillaume watching from a distance, giving advice, A. raised to keep the leaves of the seedlings and I, in jeans, long shirt and shoes with heels to put lots of land in the arms and do the dirty work. After a while, 'has created a handful of people who came to see. An old man has also given other plants to be planted. So now his home looks like a botanical garden! But my basil is the most beautiful of all! Indeed, his house is much better than me, the conditions are perfect there.

I think we both imagined a different order for that afternoon, but no matter. We went out for a coffee and I have them let go of their own. I Guillaume had that pleasure of speaking alone with A. Well ... I believe that everyone has and needs its own space as they are by A. every weekend and do everything together in those three days, maybe it pleases to sit with his friends, without me. So I said that I would go home. In his "Why?", At times melted me. I miss him already. Me and my being friendly!! Damn me! Damn I have a kind of addiction ... By now we were talking about Bettina Chinese boy with whom he is coming out and saying that if he came up, if it were perfect, you know how boring ... What a bore to be always agree on everything being equal, never have nothing to clash. Well ... so far to tell the truth for us it is. There is nothing on which we have different opinions. And I can not imagine why we fight. And so I hope that does not just say seriously, because I am not bored or stove, not at all '.

He told me that next time I make pancakes with bananas. Can not wait for that.

I have to make a clarification: they have turned off the machines in May. The news had been misunderstood because of language and the various steps. Well ... Some 'doctors do not clearly that happens, a little 'G. does not understand Chinese, a little 'buzz telephone. Maggie had worsened and said he would not have spent the night, but then leveled off. We know it's a matter of time, days, weeks or months as they are, but for now is still with us, at least physically.

The baby instead took a little bit of weight and managed to feed a minimum.

These were the last of today.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rig Master Generator Head

Whatever. Dulce de leche

I have not slept for days, which are nervous, tired and stressed. I have problems with money, time and health. I often colicky abdominal pain, headache, eyestrain, too much to do in a short time and my stupid character for which I take everything too seriously and if I do everything perfectly is not good.
Among the journey with A. to plan (I had to deal with it because I had to leave in a hurry to Shanghai for work), and was the very first time I have to do a travel plan and he is great at planning, mica could be outdone, the ticket to come back here to be taken, which costs a disproportionate amount at the end of the Expo and the party of the republic, among the hotels to stay one night in Beijing and book your train on time. And guess who leave the plants when you're not here, and take care of their transportation. In addition to all the agencies will bring to show me the houses, and often take you places that you wonder how someone can think that we can live. And then you find one and then you meet the boss, and discuss the price and terms, and pay, and then boxing everything for the move and start packing for the trip, and then those for Italy. E work full-time, one hour by bus from where you live. And wash, cooking, washing machines, and everything else.
You wonder how will you pay for everything, trying to calculate whether you enough money, and if you get there you hardly say, however, can not give up anything, because the only thing you could give would be the only thing pussy everything.

And then you find the flight finally at a high price but still lower than it seemed you would have been forced to spend, your colleague you buy it, and you relax a little bit, and you're able to fall asleep before 4.
And the day after you meet the owners of the house and inspect it and decide if you can reach an agreement. And your journey with the Your man is the only thing they think is worth doing all this. And the idea to approach him and be able to reach home on foot is what pushes you to move without waiting for three months now, and do so more calmly without everything else in between.

And then you get a phone call this morning from him, which tells you that he is back and I can feel the heart beat increases, and then he tells you that the machines are going out in May. Just at that moment. And everything stops. Looking for the rewind button, you believe there was a path error, but everything is stuck and does not want to work.

We knew we were on hold. But as we were accustomed, in the end it was as if each of us to continue to hope that the predictions of doctors would continue to be wrong. A lottery, in other words, we hoped to win. We were accustomed to its presence / absence, it was as if, although not really, she was always with us, it was just a matter of time. The've been waiting for, after all.

But no, like a cold shower you realize that it was just a silly illusion, and that we must wake up.

We canceled the trip. A. told me to think the same if I wanted to go alone, if we had not been compensated for the tickets. But do not talk, how could I? In addition to not enjoy it at all and feel guilty, even if you know that you do not have the power to change things, maybe G. will need people nearby. Maybe not me, maybe not the family will not be allowed at the funeral, we do not know how it works, but I want to be here.

So, today I met the new owner, and we reached an agreement. I took home. I do not know if I did well or not, but I was not able to think rationally and I was totally exhausted, stove, and I could only think they are just money, it's just a house.

So let's put it this way: I spend the same as being spent here, where the bathroom is better and everything works for a home in the center, from which I can walk to all the places they frequent, and take one bus to go to the company. And over, do not want any more know. So I wanted to have an opinion of others before deciding, but eventually I do not care that much ... The important thing is to have a bed and I can save.

After I went to A. and together we went to the station to return the tickets. They gave us something back, not everything but better than nothing.

A. I said "I was really looking forward to go on this trip." I knew ... More than anything, because who knows when the opportunity to happen again. He also said that the program I had done was very good ... Promoted!

Well ... All I have stressed these days, anything that worried me a lot ... It 's funny how all of a sudden ... I do not care. I really do not. Want to rent too high? Okay, never mind, I'll be where I am, who cares. Ah, you agree to my terms? Cool. I can not accept when life is so hard on someone who deserves only to be peaceful and happy and did not ask for more. E 'useless to the plans, that's all a nothing and everything goes to hell.

Today, the only word I would say to anyone who stands in front of me would be: WHATEVER.