Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cloe & Paula Streaming

Good Ninna

Maybe deep down we knew all the time, but maybe deep down we kept to hope because we knew you could not leave. When they informed me yesterday, I have not even thought, sure it was another mistake.

It 's funny how two, eight, fifteen or thirty years, we continue to see ever a possibility.

We are all happy that the only pain you have endured since Aug. 12 Have you been asleep to never wake up, it was a big headache. Let

many people that we loved him, friends and family that you have abandoned a moment, during the last few weeks. Those who know you for a lifetime, and they know the smaller your secrets to those who, like me, you have met later, but the six immediately appealed. Let memories, movies and photos, a home that speaks to you, with your French cookery books on pregnancy and still open, and many things still not done. As our super-dinner for four hands. As our next trip together. You always think you have more time than you have.
Let a guy who is showing a strength admirable, and we believe he has learned from you. As he puts it, we like to think you were waiting for Vincent was better to leave. We hope to have taken your strength, and that can do it, to have a memory of you, and give it to G. reason of serenity. Do not worry that we will all be next, although we can never replace you.

I know that there will be many occasions when we stop and we'll quietly, reminding you. In one of the restaurants where we were, if ever I return to Shanghai, when I see a Lemon Tarte, or when playing Truco and we will come to mind you, because you were competitive and prefessional in everything, even playing cards. And when we talk about something committed, and there will not be your passion and your strength of conviction, that A. has always appreciated because to defend your positions so admirable, and that was not your language. 'Arguments so proud ... It would be a perfect Italian, 'I added. And everyone agreed and we escaped a smile of nostalgia.

You do not know these things, you were already asleep.
Well, do not bother you as well ... Ssshhh! Sleep peacefully.

Hello Maggie.


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