Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rig Master Generator Head

Whatever. Dulce de leche

I have not slept for days, which are nervous, tired and stressed. I have problems with money, time and health. I often colicky abdominal pain, headache, eyestrain, too much to do in a short time and my stupid character for which I take everything too seriously and if I do everything perfectly is not good.
Among the journey with A. to plan (I had to deal with it because I had to leave in a hurry to Shanghai for work), and was the very first time I have to do a travel plan and he is great at planning, mica could be outdone, the ticket to come back here to be taken, which costs a disproportionate amount at the end of the Expo and the party of the republic, among the hotels to stay one night in Beijing and book your train on time. And guess who leave the plants when you're not here, and take care of their transportation. In addition to all the agencies will bring to show me the houses, and often take you places that you wonder how someone can think that we can live. And then you find one and then you meet the boss, and discuss the price and terms, and pay, and then boxing everything for the move and start packing for the trip, and then those for Italy. E work full-time, one hour by bus from where you live. And wash, cooking, washing machines, and everything else.
You wonder how will you pay for everything, trying to calculate whether you enough money, and if you get there you hardly say, however, can not give up anything, because the only thing you could give would be the only thing pussy everything.

And then you find the flight finally at a high price but still lower than it seemed you would have been forced to spend, your colleague you buy it, and you relax a little bit, and you're able to fall asleep before 4.
And the day after you meet the owners of the house and inspect it and decide if you can reach an agreement. And your journey with the Your man is the only thing they think is worth doing all this. And the idea to approach him and be able to reach home on foot is what pushes you to move without waiting for three months now, and do so more calmly without everything else in between.

And then you get a phone call this morning from him, which tells you that he is back and I can feel the heart beat increases, and then he tells you that the machines are going out in May. Just at that moment. And everything stops. Looking for the rewind button, you believe there was a path error, but everything is stuck and does not want to work.

We knew we were on hold. But as we were accustomed, in the end it was as if each of us to continue to hope that the predictions of doctors would continue to be wrong. A lottery, in other words, we hoped to win. We were accustomed to its presence / absence, it was as if, although not really, she was always with us, it was just a matter of time. The've been waiting for, after all.

But no, like a cold shower you realize that it was just a silly illusion, and that we must wake up.

We canceled the trip. A. told me to think the same if I wanted to go alone, if we had not been compensated for the tickets. But do not talk, how could I? In addition to not enjoy it at all and feel guilty, even if you know that you do not have the power to change things, maybe G. will need people nearby. Maybe not me, maybe not the family will not be allowed at the funeral, we do not know how it works, but I want to be here.

So, today I met the new owner, and we reached an agreement. I took home. I do not know if I did well or not, but I was not able to think rationally and I was totally exhausted, stove, and I could only think they are just money, it's just a house.

So let's put it this way: I spend the same as being spent here, where the bathroom is better and everything works for a home in the center, from which I can walk to all the places they frequent, and take one bus to go to the company. And over, do not want any more know. So I wanted to have an opinion of others before deciding, but eventually I do not care that much ... The important thing is to have a bed and I can save.

After I went to A. and together we went to the station to return the tickets. They gave us something back, not everything but better than nothing.

A. I said "I was really looking forward to go on this trip." I knew ... More than anything, because who knows when the opportunity to happen again. He also said that the program I had done was very good ... Promoted!

Well ... All I have stressed these days, anything that worried me a lot ... It 's funny how all of a sudden ... I do not care. I really do not. Want to rent too high? Okay, never mind, I'll be where I am, who cares. Ah, you agree to my terms? Cool. I can not accept when life is so hard on someone who deserves only to be peaceful and happy and did not ask for more. E 'useless to the plans, that's all a nothing and everything goes to hell.

Today, the only word I would say to anyone who stands in front of me would be: WHATEVER.


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