Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Westjet's Group Rates


A magnificent setting in a charming place led to the success of the first edition of the nativity scene "organized by the Institute of Sisters of the Angels Casaluce, primarily with the collaboration of the brothers Ortucchio sponsored by Casaluce common with the 'help of teachers, and many parents, getting an unexpected result of the event. Many were the visitors on these two days have witnessed the scene made in the Norman castle, with 150 listed (pupils) of school, creating a magical atmosphere, following the historical and religious tradition.
Events like this are proactive for the cultural growth of our country, the opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all friends on facebook and blog visitors.

Rocco Siffredi Cross Reference

Tree! We're almost to Christmas

Girls here is the Christmas tree in my house :
What you say? You like?
Every year we always put a great effort to do it, why not Christmas without a beautiful tree!
It It is true that lack a little bit of presents underneath, but as every year I end up packing them always at the last minute!

Just look who was lying comfortably decorated the tree while the undersigned .. ..
Carino true!

not know about you ... the days before Christmas are super mega busy: from university exams, the dinners, the preparations for Christmas and New Year to decide what to do.
Well, for now you have decided how to spend the Christmas Eve.
I and my friends are organizing the Christmas Eve dinner at my house. We are organizing a mouth-watering menu. Everything will be decided soon will post photos and recipes.
After dinner, most likely, we will plan to go to the cinema and see a good Christmas movie.

soon. Many Kisses

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Barbara Weber Famous Paintings


ѕye σy ∂ σ ¢ yσι αmvyayeu kѕì ѕι nιαmα ¢ ℓ α yaαgαzzα yye ℓ vι ∂ yeσ è fανσ ℓ σѕα!!
νσyayayemmσ Titus ανyeyaye tυttι ѕυσι tyaυ ι ¢ ¢ ¾ nι αyk ℓ myetà ... να vyχιmσ!
tα ℓ nα yeytσ is AI g ℓ ι ѕι ρυσ 'yyegαyaye!

νιѕιtαtye ι ℓ ℓ ѕυσ ¢ αyα is ѕυ uσυtυvye ...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gown Shops In Metro Manila


σkye נ ... is ¢ ¢ ¢ ½ miles σmye yaινyeyayevvye υyα yσѕtyaα αmι ¢ α ι ℓ ℓ ι ¢ ѕyemρ is is yσyamα ℓ ιχιmσ σk!
AI ℓ α ¢ ¢ σyσѕ yetye mα tyaα in ι ℓ σg ∂ ѕνye yeѕι is ιtα ιαyι è qυye ℓ ℓ ℓ α ¢ k ѕye σy yσι ∂ σ ℓ nα + ѕtι is ... ραya ℓ σ ∂ ι ℓ ℓ ℓ is is is is ℓ ∂ ѕυσ in ℓ σg ...

ⓐ ⓝ ⓓ ⓐ ⓣ ⓔ ⓐ ⓥ ⓘ ⓢ ⓘ ⓣ ⓐ ⓡ ⓛ ⓞ!!

Ikea Round Bed Sheets Sultane Sandane

Our opinion

... ωσω ...
gιà 15 ∂ ι ¢ yemvyaye χò ι ℓ tyemρσ ραχα ιy fyayettα ...
¢ ι ∂ ιѕρ AI ανyeyaνι + ¾ ¢ yaιttσ mα ℓ α ½ ¢ υσ ℓ α ¢ ¢ ια α σmιy yeѕѕyeyaye υy gyaσѕѕσ ιmρι ¢ ¢ ισ!

kmq yσι AI ¢ ι ∂ ¢ ιmyeytι nιαmσ ∂ ι ¢ yeyatσ ...
ѕσρyaαttυttσ qυye ℓ ℓ σ ∂ k σvvιαmσ ѕ ¢ яινєяє!
νι ανєναмσ ρяσмєχσ υиα иσѕтяα σριиισиє ѕυ ℓ ℓ 'υ ℓ тιмσ fι ℓ м ∂ є ℓ ℓ α ∂ ι тωι ℓ ѕαgα ιgнт ... вєн є ¢ ¢ ι ¢ σ qυα!

ѕє ¢ σи ∂ σ yσι ι ℓ fι ℓ m è mσ ℓ tσ ∂ ινyeyaѕσ ∂ α ℓ ρyaιmσ ...
αρραyatye ℓ α ѕtσyaια ιy ѕye, mα αyk ℓ σ ѕtι ℓ is!
ѕι νye ∂ is ℓ α ∂ ιffyeyayeyzα tyaα ι ℓ ρyaιmσ yayegιѕtyaα ∂ ι ℓ tωι ιgnt E dzє ¢ ι ℓ σi ∂ σ!
¢ ι ∂ E ℓ nαiiσ υdzσ dzυ υi'αdzρєttσ nαiiσ αmvιαtσ ℓ α ¢ ¢ ¢ nιiα mα ∂ ι ∂ E ωαя ∂ ...
mα nαiiσ αik mιg ισяαtσ ℓ ι ℓ fι ℓ m dzσttσ α ℓ ¢ υiι ρυytι ∂ ι νιѕtα!
vyen yσι νσ נ αmσ fαyaye ѕσρyaαttυttσ ι ¢ σmρ ℓ ιmyetι α נ α ¢ σv ι ѕυσι mυѕ ¢ σ ℓ ι nαyyσ ρyayeѕσ ραyatye α ℓ fι ℓ m mσ ℓ tσ + ∂ ι tυttι g ℓ ι αttσyaι myeχι ιyѕιyemye!
ιy tωι ιgnt ℓ ∂ k yeνσ αmmyettyeyaye yaσvyeyat ραttιyѕσy yeyaα αννyeyaσ VE ∂ ℓ ℓ σ ...
ℓ α ℓ α kѕ AI yyegσ, mα ѕy σѕtyayettα ¢ α ∂ k ιyaνι ιy yyeω mσσy
yaσv AI ѕye ρò ρyaσyaισ gυαya ∂ α!
ѕye ѕιαmσ ¢ σѕtyayettye α ½ ¢ yeg ℓ ιyeyaye ѕυ ℓ fι ℓ m + VE ℓ ℓ σ χ yσι yyeω mσσy è qυye ℓ ℓ σ gιυѕtσ, yemσzισyα αyk + ∂ ι tωι ℓ ιgnt!

ѕρyeyaσ to ѕσttσ α ℓ ¢ υiι ρυitι ∂ ι νιѕtα ѕιαtє ∂ 'α ¢ ¢ σya ∂ σ ...

ⓚ ⓘ ⓢ ⓢ ⓚ ⓘ ⓢ ⓢ

What To Charge For A Poster

..!!!! SAL

We are 10 days from Christmas !!!!!!!!!
not know about you, but I have the spirit of Christmas that I seeping from every pore, is too good in the run-up to Christmas ..... do the tree, the crib, desperate to go research gifts.
It 's true, the "stacked" in stores and shopping malls to win a gift (maybe the last) is one of the most stressful things for Christmas, but I love to walk through the streets of the city, on weekends, with my sweet love Kekko, then maybe at the end of the mall, you stop to take tea with biscuits baker.
Fortunately, the gifts I had to do there, I have already made (almost all), because for me is to get more than a stressful period, I have to study to prepare for university exams waiting for me at the gate 'Start the new year (not missing that much !!!).

When I place the photo of my tree Christmas, I am so curious to know what you think ....

soon ... Many Kisses


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Extremely Sensitive Cervix In Pregnancy


post revived in July 2009
The waste problem is only a matter of economics. To have an increase in waste collection
citizens should have a value. One way would be giving an economic value to the selected material, and at the end of the calendar year the city should receive a reduction of the waste tax. In many cities of Italy the collection differentiated made door to door of different materials (paper, glass, aluminum, etc.) has achieved excellent results, with rates in media arrive AL50%. This means that Casaluce could achieve good results, renegotiate with the company that manages the method of collection, looked forward to a return to nationals economic based on the amount collected, resulted in a chain mechanism, with a strong decrease of the waste tax. Yesterday
Secretary listed a number of countries defaulting collection differentiated waste including Casaluce and
according to the percentage found liable
dissolution .
Casaluce burden does not deserve this one, maybe it was an error communication between the municipality and the commissioner of government, but we must understand that today the collection differentiated must be one of the programmatic this administration , why risk a new dissolution would be yet another defeat of Casalucesi ; 's administration maybe he just settled underestimated the problem of waste, and did not put as a priority the differentiated . The Mayor is also good show and fight those threats made by Bertolaso \u200b\u200b , but blame the administrators past including elected even in its list, with a repetitive slogan "the last thirty years," as if he were still in the election campaign. C redo the feeling of disapproval , and the cause of the conflict against the government commissioner, may be married by all citizens, without excluding anyone.
December 2009
The Commissariat government Bertolaso \u200b\u200b put back Casaluce municipalities likely to loose failure the collection differentiated , given the low percentages.
Personally I think the government commissioner must give time to our mayor, I have just five months that job, and efforts are being made today the country appears completely different from before, because in the last 24 months the management of the town was made by the triad commissioner sent by the prefecture, so if it was through Bertolaso \u200b\u200b by a Ministerial Decree 's interior minister, unfortunately melt Casaluce , the result would be the ' disbanded of himself! I think the feeling of casalucesi and to oppose this request, our country today needs peace and political stability, and no one not even the "state" can do such an act, I believe that all people will be close to ' administration , giving moral support, to use to descend into the streets, providing support for the mayor on a possible use of the judiciary .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

1950's Sock Hop Invitation Wording


Finally, I decided, are officially registered SAL PS of Valentina.
SAL would be the first in which I participate, I hope to get by.
not wait to get started.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Watch Monica Roccaforte Movies Online

... hihi ... has arrived!

ѕιαmσ yaιmαѕtє υi ρσkιiσ ιi ∂ ιєtyaσ ...
mα IIT ¢ ι ∂ ιѕ ¢ ιmρye is fyeѕtyeggιαyaye ∂ ι ℓ '¢ υѕ ιtα ...
∂ ι yyeω mσσy!

∂ σmyeyι ¢ α ισ (ℓ is yeyu) αy ∂ α yaò νye yeya ∂ ℓ σ,
fyaαy ¢ in AI ρσtyeνα qυιy ∂ ι ∂ σνyaà αѕρyettαyaye!!
AI νye ∂ σ ℓ 'σyaα!

νι ∂ ιyayemσ km'è αρρyeyα ρσχιvι ℓ is ...

ⓚ ⓘ ⓢ ⓢ ⓞ ⓛ ⓘ

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clogged Capillary In Lips

What do you think of the new look of my Christmas blog ?!?

I have just a little bit of time, I promise you, that public jobs I'm doing! : P

Kisses to all!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Whats With Denisemilani.com

Aggiungi immagine
exist in reality casalucese , both amateur and introduction to the sport, a good number of athletes, but there is a strong presence and absence sports clubs. In the previous administration there has been a waste of resources for the work of reset and retrofitting of 'single sports facility, which has allowed its users to enjoy the property . From the newspapers we read that part of the opposition is pushing for the creation zone " Pip, "and creation of zones finish urbanized area" Limitone "I think the mayor should focus primarily services, I believe that the essential points and redevelopment of most degraded areas, should point to the realization parks, sports and posted at various points, allowing the children and the elderly to have a space to use for leisure time, giving them some, sports facilities, from other games bambini.Per to make enjoyable to all ages, free time I hope the construction of the sports field with a possible track, a new recreation center, a strengthening office informs young people. The green area "open square", already contracted to be a place of aggregation and not just a pedestrian area that connects the historic center of the open ward gloomy. Casaluce needs "SERVICES", and then the realization areas " Pip" and the realization zones urbanization as the area Limitone or other, we must focus the community, focus on works that benefit the entire population, and the only way we could return to a country of first rank, just only the will of ' administration collaboration with the opposition without distinction, to solve the problems of our beloved country.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Marketsphere Unclaimed Propertyscam ??

Buongiornoooooo .....
morning, fortunately, after a week of rain and clouds, the sun is beautiful!
The sun brings joy to her and that I got the inspiration to live the "look" to my little blog. I found this
SITE where there are backgrounds for blogs really very very beautiful and something for everyone!
Now I just have to decide what to put! What a difficult choice! : P
Check it out!
you soon! Kisses!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Average Women Dress Size

Mask ... ˙ ˙ ˙ ıʞsɐƜ

Ok, poxiamo capire k sn maski ma tutto has a limit!
Indeed we are accurate + nn poxiamo understand them, sl t complicate life!

Sn tnt so immature, I (Eleny) Francy and we have the evidence we are closer to 2 subjects neank k t can imagine!

The nice thing is they tell you k k dp
grow ... Be patient sn trp Ankora


Oh but please x nn are ridiculous
ank will grow in height but, perhaps even the neank
... km it says:

The leopard but nn vice

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lobster Creels For Sale

New Moon ⇂ -10 0 - uooƜ ʍǝ ᴎ

nn we believe poxiamo
-10 to NEW MOON

How To Shorten Drapes With No Hemming

Euroma2 ... ᄅ ɐɯoɹnƎ

H and the the or . Guys

TNT x-change 2 km normalixime girls we went around-

-shopping ... -

-fact yesterday we went to Euroma2 !!!!!! -

X-ki nn know him is the commercial center ... -

-largest in Rome and it's great !!!!!!!!! -

-Our favorite store and I think it is ke tte of q lle ke us sn revenue is ...-

-JENNIFER !!!!!!!!! -
-Li are things Fantastik and my wardrobe (Francy) think ke has sl-

- her clothes! -

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trims And Fabric Nj Area

TNT x start ... x ⊥ ǝɹɐıɔuıɯoɔ ʇu

Hello we Eleny and Francy you We welcome the

in our nuoviximo BLOG!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

's our first post so (very normal ks) N + we have clue ks


But it is quiet / ak + write every day of our thoughts!

Ks nn nn very important but we look forward


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Compatibility Of People With Same Birthday


"The title of the text dedicated to a dear friend and socialist living today, he uttered a phrase of his historical turned to another friend that I do not know" naccordo " .
Among the many complaints from voters who backed the list of "Project Casaluce", one that does not go down is the closure of the section, making clear to all citizens, which was a project that was not the stable foundations, with individuals and with different objectives. One factor that led to the closure of the section was the 'bombast of the component (PD) on the list, first time he had made arrangements with the other component (Socialist), with support of a candidate in provincial elections (PSI) , but changed their mind after the defeat by negotiating with other possible candidatura.Forse their personal interests to defend someone's nails, push them to do this passo.A this point who thinks the community as such? About passionately wants to do for the good of Casaluce for free and makes a serious effort for our beloved country? do not know, or rather I made a simple idea that I hope is not that giusta.Allora we need now is not the law of numbers, but with that ability, character, but above all honesty. Only by following this law we can hope for a better country, more livable, healthy and civilized.
According to the Minister Sacconi: the difference between a socialist and a communist and a socialist, he boasts, while a Communist shame.

Friday, October 2, 2009

How To Build A Coffee Table With Storage


the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Casaluce in the province of Caserta, formerly part of a castle of Norman origin arose during the eleventh century, has a great historical and artistic importance as a major example of fourteenth-century art in 1300. In fact, what was the first Norman fortress built in Italy and around the Mediterranean basin, was transformed into a monastery given following the order of Celestine, who took over officially in 1360, and which for many centuries to come the nursed, enlarged and embellished with fine paintings in Florence, and equipping of important Byzantine icon, the shrine holds, in fact, the Byzantine icon of the eleventh century. Santa Maria and two of Casaluce hydrias that history associated with the jars used by Jesus Christ to do his first miracle at the wedding at Cana of Galilee, when the monks of Casaluce left the monastery in the summer months, guests of the monks Aversana exposing the icon of Our Lady of Casaluce for public veneration, that encourage the strengthening of the cult, which after the suppression of the monks, it was alleged by the people Aversa. The two pastors agreed with the permanence of the icon in Aversa six months and six months while the two Casaluce hydrias remained on permanent display in the Shrine of Casaluce. The calm was apparent until they began a discussion on the properties of the canopy silver melted in 1624. The issue was brought before the Council of the Hospices, and he was right of the people Casaluce. L '8 January 1853 a government decree at the request of casalucesi restored to that of 1744 in which Avery could get the icon for only two months. At the same time following an instance of Aversana in March 23, 1857 fixed the existing eight months and four Casaluce to Aversa with the translation of the annual June 15 to Oct. 15 at Avery and Casaluce.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Red And White Tablecloths


historic turning point in Casaluce , after twenty years is the return of the shield crusader.
The components of this section, most of them were candidates in municipal elections with the list "Together for Casaluce "(former strength Italy) have decided not to join the PDL , becoming in Democrats, with a collogazione precise and perhaps opportunistic therefore shifted the focus of policy Casalucese toward the center.
I think the architects of this section had the courage to go on an adventure that has arisen during the elections, have made choices and now we must take note of this event, which will certainly help to Casaluce , because when it comes to open a place where we discuss politics and issues to be addressed in a democratic form and always be appreciated, but when you close the sections because the common purpose is lacking this is an act to be condemned. A question to myself
Casaluce will have a unique section of the center-left?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Problems With Avitar Car Starters

Reading ...

Although I have little free time available to me, among my many passions is also my reading!
I do not read the usual "bricks", but I enjoy sopprattutto on Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller Novels. I recently read

Marked (Kristin Cast - PC Cast), a beautiful book that tells the story of a girl in a school of vampires ....:

" " My name is Zoey, I'm sixteen, an apprehensive mother, a stepfather and a standoffish big sister all prissy. And for a long time I was convinced that these were the my problems. I was wrong.
Because one day I received the mark: a blue crescent moon tattooed on the forehead. And everything changed.

You must know that Mark is the first step to becoming a vampire. The next is to enter the House of Night, a school where you learn to control their powers and to address the delicate phase of transformation. What happens then? Alternative one: I become a vampire, that I become more than human, stronger, smarter, more talented. Alternative two: my body rejects the Transformation and I die. Forever. But even this is my problem big. Oh, no.
The fact is that my brand is different from that of others is a sign of incredible capacity for a girl my age, and this does not help to make new friends. Not to mention that Aphrodite, the president of the Dark Daughters, the school's most exclusive club, has not taken very well my "superiority". I mean I hate it.
Sometimes I would go back, but I can not. Also because here in the House of Night, is going on is something deeply wrong and dangerous. And I'm the only one who can stop him. "

(Those of you who are interested, here can find the beginning of the book!)

I had so much passion that I read it in 4 days!

Now right now are in the middle with "Mortal Remains" (by Laurell K. Hamilton), a book about Anita Blake, a vampire huntress (oddly )!!!!

" raise the dead to Anita Blake, vampire hunter, the most famous of America, has become a routine operation. It's his job. It is also very useful when we want to shed light in a case of disputed inheritance or assassination. But if the deceased in question is liable to three hundred years, the matter becomes more complicated because you need a human sacrifice, and Anita is not willing to kill anyone, not even for a million dollars. So it was offered and so she refused. Matter closed? Quite the contrary. As a consultant of the investigation team for the supernatural crimes, Anita has been called for to help in the investigation of a series of brutal murders. Police grope in the dark and even Anita is puzzled: none of the creatures that you know well - vampires, werewolves, scavengers - could have committed such terrible crimes. But then an idea makes its way into his mind: what if someone else had raised the zombie centuries old and had transformed into an inhuman killer? "

This is the second book in the Anita Blake series, the first is entitled" Blood Knot ".

Yeah I know, I'm reading a bit macabre, but they help to divert head study from books!:)

In the next post I'll list the next book I read!
You, however, read that book ??????

Kisses to all. Francesca

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nissan X-trail Roof Rack

Top Jobs!

This post I want to dedicate my first jobs:
  • This is a beautiful album that I stitched and then got a sweet child, how you may have guessed by the name of James, for his baptism. As soon as I saw in the window of a shop of a photographer, I fell in love.
  • This, however, is a little experiment that I began to be able to give my sweetheart. I'm embroidering "Two Hearts and a Rose" to try to create a magnet to attack the refrigerator.
  • All this stuff is unbelievably, all my stuff for cross stitching, with all of the jobs that will begin next, and which I will keep you informed!

Can I Use The Subwoofer From Harman Kardon

Meet Romeo .... Finally

I present to you my little Romeo .... How wonderful ?!?!? (What modesty .....:)) Also known as Romy or Muffin!
It 's a "single copy" of Maltese, has one year and a half and is very lively!
It 's like a baby for me, there never move away from each other too much because it is always next to me!
A big kiss to all of you!
