Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Leave A Scorpio

and two tickets ...;)

I saw him Tuesday for dinner, because he said he wanted to explain something (be patient, girls ... I will inform you in time!). I brought a present, I know that I love is that I had never done, so I wanted to have an opinion before using it for another recipe that I know loves it, because on the internet I read some negative reviews on this method to make the dulce de leche (read: De Lecea dulse). So, I brought a jar with what I had prepared the day before.



1 can of condensed milk

a pot of water


Put the can inside the pot, so it is completely covered, then cook for two hours, partially covered so that water does not evaporate too quickly. Just be aware that the can is always covered with water, you can do me like that I put water to boil in another pot and add it to the pot bigger every time I saw that the level down.

Cool in the pot. Enjoy.

I was curious to taste it, and I was disappointed. To me it tastes exactly like the condensed milk, it just changes consistency. And it's too sweet, I could not eat more than a teaspoon. I poured in a glass jar and I put in the fridge.

The next day, before you give it, I tasted it again ... AAAAHHHHHH !!!!! Now yes we have !!!!! It should be completely eaten cold, at least in my opinion. Something else. Although alone for me is always too sweet.

The professor liked it and was happy as a child! He tasted at the restaurant, and told me that was perfect, exactly the same as it should be! When I told him how to do it, lost a bit 'of enthusiasm because he believed it was something very difficult, but really appreciated it. Then I was even asked to go for coffee so he could eat it with biscuits as I explained the program he had prepared on the computer.

I saw him again on Wednesday after the mega lunch Sako and Jack. He had to take me to see houses in the agency, but before he had a snack with my dulce de leche. By the way, I must learn to never forget the camera when I'm by him, as he prepared for the toast and smeared the cream I I felt so inspired, would come a lot of great photos, with the right dishes and knives and some raised the share holding. The agency was already closed so no, we left the gym.

The next day we met in the morning, I went to him, we took his coffee miticissimo that his brother sends him from Hawaii, and Vanilla Macadamia Nut, which is the end of the world, so that often happy to open the envelope to sniff a bit ',


then we went to the British Library. It was raining, as it is doing for the past ten days, without interruption, and then we got there already soaked. We found a couple of books (and then explain why we needed the books eh ... been good and be patient;)), my recommended among other things by him, I'm really curious to know his literary tastes, though I know that a lot away from mine, anyway ...

We were to pay cash when I realized that I had brought the laptop back all the time because after I went directly from the farm to teach Italian and wanted to see a movie, but ... I had forgotten the hard disk outside, where I keep all the movies! Damn, I dragged this thing at all! (He offered to take it but eh ... I hate those who brings the stuff back and then be carried up to others, so I opposed, stubborn as a mule). In short, I was all annoyed with myself, and he looked at me with a smile and then I said something I did not understand and then looked at me and called me

'muñeca' (read 'munieca' )!!!! Muñeca CALL ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ODDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO imagine what I started and I made that effort to contain the explosion of my joy! Well not necessarily imagine, since you probably do not know this word, stupid I am!

So you should know that I started to study English. Because I always wanted to do and why I believe that, with English and Chinese is another language to learn, and because if you were my fairy tale come true and I should go and live with my prince somewhere in South America ( soooognaaaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeee ... oooooooooo-oooooooooo), at least I'd be disoriented and could not find a job. I mean you can not say that my fantasy ride. Okay. One day I was asking for elucidation and we ended up trying to put us to say how all parts of the body, some of which he could not remember. When we got to 'pulse', which is said muñeca fact, he told me that in Argentina there is a saying, which states that more or less engaged is bound by the wrists, because it gives us a hand, by married was associated with handcuffs. For this reason, the name corresponding to 'honey', 'sweety', 'darling', is for them muñeca.

I really like this word, and since then I've always wanted to call me so. He is not the kind of 'honey', 'treasure', 'baby' ... No way! We did not really see. But muñeca said he is perfect. But not I can ask him, calling me that. And when he did, I felt I sprout wings behind his back! :)))))))))))))))))))))))

sdolcinerie Ok enough, I do come in all diabetes.

After we went to eat noodles, and after I went to work. He was cute with me again.

Guillaume The next night we took out to dinner. The evening was pleasant, my Professor Bear and I were in perfect harmony, so much so that sometimes I had Guillaume could feel fear too. But he was well enough, we managed to make him laugh more than once. E 'was great to see him smile. Then me and my Professor Bear went all'Lpg, where we played darts against Bettina and Kelly and we won! Then the little house ... I had to work Saturday morning and he did it weigh me enough, not even had my choice, trying to convince me not to go. But, at 8.15, after 3 hours of sleep accurate (between one thing and another, olé! Time flies either!), I am due to get up and take the bus, headed toward the other side of town. I almost got it right when the guy calls me saying I work for that there was a kind of rebellion, that the designers did not want to come to Saturday, and so there was no one to translate, and that if I wanted I could go home. What I've been taken down, they know only the people on the bus! Will I have used 3 different languages, but to express my anger for having lost my usual morning with Professor Bear! And to say that to convince me not to go, I was also told that if I stayed home I would make pancakes!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, I made the best of a bad situation and I took the opportunity to go to Decathlon to buy one zainone travel, because I go back to Italy on 23 and I'm not going to bring my suitcase.

Then I ended the morning visiting the apartments, but without finding no one to say, 'It's him, is my'.

There was however one that I wanted an outside opinion, so I went in the afternoon by Professor Bear to go together. Meanwhile, I took one of my basil plants, because when I'm in Italy and I need a babysitter before entrusting my babies I want to test. And then, at least as much as I love the basil, which is absolutely amazing!

The house in the end we saw it, because he says if you know is right without opinions, and I do not have to hurry if they are not convinced.

In short, we lounge around a bit ', then we got to do washing and cleaning ... Without words, do not make at home, and I with him in his, bah. We washed the pillow of the couch, then he showed me the kitchen and the bathroom, because I do not like to stand there and watch without doing anything. Guillaume Then he called and came to dinner, we ordered a pizza and watched a movie. Then G. is gone, but we are not leaving. We watched another movie, giving us a hand for half the time (and soft !!!!!!!!)----- heart eyes, I have gone smilies and I can not express myself with that! -.- ':'(((

This morning was the first sunny day after centuries of relentless rain, so we decided to go to the station to buy tickets ... ... ....


and the tickets for what? Why, I told you not?? Oh, that careless! Sure sure, I'll tell you everything now.

So the last Sunday of the sea, I think last week , he asked me if I could take some days off. I was a bit 'hesitant in the sense ... Maybe give them to me, but there must be a reason. The week before I had worked part-time and he was not ever there, bring all I have to take a vacation for doing nothing? But he did not tell me nothing, so boh, I gave up. Just like two hours after he told me he wanted to make a trip to a town in China, and that was why he asked me if I could take some days. A trip? My neurons had already left.

I'll do short, I asked the day the next day, and I've achieved! I did not know if my date would coincide with his, but I really hope so. A trip!

the evening of Tuesday in front of and dulce de leche latte we had a draft of the itinerary and how to get to the place and how to return. It will be a trip so cool!! We'll go here: & ; im PRMD = & source = & lnms isch tbs = 1 & ei = 9fBxTKy6Fo2msQOTlZWFCw & sa = X & s = mode_link & ct = & mode = see & 0CAsQ_AU BIW = 1280 = 648 & BiH 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = & aq = langmusi aqi = & f & oq = & & = aql gs_rfai =

And then, because I've never been there, he had the niceties to think of a way to reach our destination so as to pass through here: = BiH = 1503 & 647 & q = & xian GBV = 2 & aq = f & & g10 = aqi aql oq = & = & = gs_rfai

short, is not that great ???!!!

It 's a region once belonged to Tibet, where I want to go long. They reopened only after March, and you hear a lot of Tibetan culture.

And what is so cool that we will be riding the horse ! For this, I am not in the skin! Also because I said that, here is China, in short ... I put on my back and go, without much ado. When he did it the first time, the guide had a sixteen year old son with him. The father had to accompany someone back, and they had asked the boy if they could go faster, and the kid obviously delighted he agreed ... so they started at a gallop for these green fields! It is not so cool?

Only problem, we just found out that the week we will be away from Q, here the weather is wonderful, but the rain will move ... guess where? A Lanzhou!! But poooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... ... .!!!!!!!!!!

However, this morning we got tickets, here they are


then you go!! Nine days of adventure with my Professor Bear!! Trullallà trullallà!!

After the purchase, we ate a sandwich on a bench, then we started shooting ... the Mc Donald's Chocolate Sundae in the absence of real ice cream, then alee! We left. We walked all afternoon. We found an unfamiliar area, too beautiful. Meanwhile, I am talking about taking bad because he said something about going and try to settle in Hawaii ... 40 minutes of agony for me. Then he talked about buying a car here ... I began to breathe. What the heck wants to do?? In addition to me die of grief, I mean.

Well ... I got tired, I started to pull down our route (I was assigned the planning of Xi'an, he will take care of Xiahe), and here I am! But now I see you greet maidens, because tomorrow starts a tough week, working until late at night, then gym, then travel to prepare cases to be done, flight Italy-China to buy, well ... better if I go to sleep! A big kiss to all!


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