Sunday, December 19, 2010

Adjusting Polaris Gas Shocks

Pumpkin Pie ... Ciack quarter

It 'amazing how I can not go to their commitments, I'll write soon then who knows how the days go by and I not only write but also the recipes that I forget I wanted to post and I wanted to tell. This year I celebrated

my first Thanksgiving! Being a huge fan of Friends, I dreamed of one day to participate in one of those mega dinners of food ... so different from our huge stuffed turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie ...

one evening in October took up the idea, then I really wanted that I particularly peaking and I refused to be abandoned. We have organized a real organized program, assigning the various missions: who would have gotten the turkey, who would prepare the stuffing, the gravy people, chile yams, some dessert. And I could not that be me, addressed to the last?

This cake made me sweat. Not having the box of pumpkin that everyone uses, in America, I thought quiet 'it's not a big deal', cook the pumpkin. the cook, steam or micro, or baked, so that water does not form but rather dry. I'm telling all my attempts, I only say that the first time I used a classic recipe and the cake was ok, just too much nutmeg, the stuffing to cool (and watery, because of the pumpkin), which went to wet the crust and make it ammosciare. But I have finished my 3 guests after the empanadas.

For Thanksgiving, we finally succeeded, with a slap on the ass, find the box. Fantastic, because really, it's a pain in the ass cook by itself.

The problem I had with the pasta. Unbelievable. I wanted to follow verbatim the original recipe, that A. advised me that because it was tested with great success by his mother, but nothing, could not form a ball that I do not crumble in your hands. Can not even straighten it! I've rebuilt three times.

At the end, fuck it!, I thought, I will use my recipe for pasta brisa. It is enough. And it's gone, not only comfortable, but I was told it was perfect. Now I was too tired even to pay attention to more rather disappointed because I can not really say that it is among my favorite desserts, and I hoped that at least one cake heavenly reward me for all the sacrifices and time spent, but no. De gustibus!

Why, now, the recipe! If the right bill, which after all ste adventures, do you still end up the wrong one.


Ingredients (for a pan 23-24cm:

for the crust:

200g flour 100g cold butter pieces
50ml of cold water 1 pinch of salt

for the filling:

a packet of biscuits (I used Marie, are fine)

2 eggs 1 / 2 cup sugar

brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 / 2 teaspoon salt

1 15 oz can of pumpkin flesh

12 oz cream

the accompaniment:

1 / 2 cup whipping cream 1


sugar 1 / 4 teaspoon cinnamon

First make the dough, working quickly before the flour with salt and butter when the mixture becomes sandy, add the water and dough, forming a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let refrigerate for at least 30 '(recipe Tania ).

When the pasta is ready, roll it into the pan, making a rim pretty high. Crumble the biscuits and then a layer inside the enclosure (this is to prevent the stuffing to moisten the pasta goes below).



I at this point I baked for a few minutes to harden at least a little base (heat just below the bottom of the oven, time to eye, sorry, I'm becoming like my grandmother).

Meanwhile, prepare the filling, first beating the eggs with electric whips, then adding all other ingredients. And here I must say: I've had a hand. Add a little 'here, take off from there, in the end I twisted the recipe, tasting and based on the previous attempt.

The original recipe can find it here . I changed the crust and the filling I got rid of the seeds of clove and ginger, and I have used white sugar and brown sugar, and I increased the cinnamon. And I added a pinch of nutmeg (go easy, because it tends to cover all the other flavors). And not having the evaporated milk I used the cream and a bit 'of regular milk.



short, then fill the shell with filling and bake at 180 ° -200 °, for about 45 minutes, but check often and, if necessary, move the pan in the various shelves as needed.


Cool, stuffed in the refrigerator before serving and place on top of each slice with a whipped cream and cinnamon sugar.


to you!



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