Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Son Keeps Showing Me His Willy

Summing up

I've put a lot of new ', but here are always too many things to do, and then the blog goes a bit' down the drain, even if annoys me when I think of everything I want to record and instead will only be given to my mind ... And we're fresh, I'm afraid. Old age for me too eh!

summary cobbling good after the first week of niceties (I tried every day, we met every night, she cooked for me, I even went to get the microwave again and gave it to me brought home with all my plants, I had given before going to Italy, I did so many chores at home, I accompanied her to look in the mirror and various other things I needed). Then there was a weekend a bit 'so-so, that I was not satisfied, we say, and the week after, which are taken by thousands of paranoia he saw a strange. The possibility of going to Hawaii did not seem the same, taking seriously, and could not feel that he should wish to see me ... say that has lowered the quality of time spent together. What's more I'm sick with a cold looking strong, so I was not really in shape.

So, since I am a person who is insecure too unselfish at times, I finally decided to talk to him again. It was at my house and, although they were now the 00.30 and I breathed barely, and only with his mouth, I made that speech that I buzzed him in the head. In short, I told him that I had thought well over the last few days on my ability or inability to truly forgive him, or to reset everything, as if it never happened. I explained how I saw the story of forgiveness that I have already explained to you last post and that eventually, yes, I was sure I could do it. And, since he had told me that he is extremely difficult to make decisions and choices, I wanted to ask him if he was still convinced you want to be with me or maybe it was regretted, since it appeared that I had never met for the final closure he wanted to give their relationship. And I asked him one thing: that, since we all live in the same city and that the premises are not that few, if we had been together under one roof would not have accepted by his behavior as that of Halloween, do not I agreed to be put aside, after I reset everything and I had decided not to give explanations to all the friends and acquaintances who were there that evening to make their own ideas about what was going on.

He listened to everything, then I said it was convinced of his choice, and that he had met to close, and they had closed, but which would not have felt comfortable to be with us together, This would avoid certain situations, such as our friend's birthday dinner, where we invited all three. I made note that it is right that we change lives and habits and local fear of meeting her, I do not go and it is not right. He says he's sorry that I am half but simply wants to avoid damaging the evening and to embarrass all three, and he just needs time, because in the end she has never done anything wrong, not c 'was a source of hatred or disappointment, just the distance initially, after my appearance, and his' feeling' that it was her 'right one'. In the end I just wanted to make clear that I did not want to change their lives fleeing dale situations, but in reality I thought the same way, because I know and I know that I'd probably be the first to want to go, if we were all of them in the same room, so we decided to skip the birthday dinner.

Speaking at the end we reached a little more serious topics, I did not expect the least and I have just caught off guard ... He asked me what I want, I, from our relationship. As I see it. What is my 'goal'. Geez ... I miss the end I do not remember what I mumbled, including a whiff of the nose and the other, for sure but I remember telling him that if I had not gone in September was because I wanted to be with him, and I do not know him What do you think about it want to do, and if he sees a gaijin in his future, wherever it is, but that if she left, I could never stay here. And I did not 'goal', do not ask him anything, but it is obvious that as long as you're happy, do not want to separate you from your cause for happiness ... no? In short, a 'time will tell'. I also said I do not know what to do with the company in case they want me for a long-term contract, just because I do not know what his plans by. He told me that we had never talked about this and that he did not understand very well what I would have done that before I had to leave in September, then I decided to stay until December, and then who knows. But that did not have an answer. Who fear of commitment, and they know all the people who know him well. That here in China had an American girl before me, and he liked a lot, but she had a pending situation with a former boyfriend in America, who occasionally would pull out. The fact is that she had returned home, and he had decided to undertake, and receiving it later, seeking work there. Then one day he calls and hears that she's with someone. He knew it was the other guy. Two days later she wrote an email to inform him that they were back together and hoped they could remain friends. Well ... basically what he has been meted out to me. Anyway ... a little 'things have been said, even though in the days following I continued to have concerns that he would regret the choice but did not dare tell me, even though he had reassured me. I had also said he feared he had been forgiven too easily and would do it again, or think that I have no personality, just because my reactions are stronger than at first, but after I vented'm very calm. In short, I told him everything.

The weekend was noiosetto skipped dinner, there was nobody else around and it was mild, compared to the previous ones.

Then came a little innovation, or has started playing the sax

in a room with two other American boys. He started Chinese lessons, in short ... he worked his best days are too long. When back in the club, now he calls me and then went from me, I will cook something fast, watch a movie, and it stops with me.

But I always had a feeling that he was a bit 'weird, I do not know ... In the meantime he was trying to make plans with his brother, and I hope I did not know if that went well or badly I did not know the consequences that these its decisions could have on our relationship.

One day I wrote a message with words: "My mother sent you a gift." I do what I think? I was anxiously waiting in all day, not so much for the gift As for the question? "He talked to his mother about me? ', which seemed unlikely. I was sure he had decided to give me something that her mother had sent him, and nothing more. Eventually I switched to him that night and gave me two packets of flavored coffees, respectively, vanilla and French vanilla and cookies ... Just sniffing it feels a moment in paradise! And then a turkey stuffed, to put on the table on Thanksgiving.

Friday was the birthday of Chris, then on Saturday I went to hear him play. There have been rather hurt when, pausing and being my altavolo and G., I did not even greeted. Manco 'hello,' he said. Well! Then came some of my colleagues and I found myself sitting at a table near Chris. He told me that the day after he and A. would go to the gym to run, and I told him I A. I had said that it would cooperate to make the pumpkin pie! So Chris said he was sure not going to run, but he kept his word with me, which are most important. My laughter was strong enough, so we started talking. Chris says that he and I really like, to which I laughed heartily and bitterly and told him that's not true, and I pointed out his behavior the night. Chris told me 'Ma and A.! And 'well done! Do not show nothing '. But at the same time he too was surprised when A., finished playing, he's out with fellow band for good 20 minutes, and when he returned, he went to sit across the table. So Chris told me that it's so because I have the power to hurt him, make him suffer ... If he's did anything, friend, could never make him feel bad but I could do myself. He is not dangerous, I do. We say that the way in which he told me there was, and he pulled a bit 'up. Then at the end won the bet, because A. and came and asked him to climb so he could stay close to me and him, and I next to him and my boss-colleague who speaks Italian. Then the evening was even better because my head is really cool links, and A. speaks Italian and A. English, and understand each other, and joke and make jokes. Claudio eventually brought him to quit but the arm A. he laughed and said, 'No no no, forget it. I do not hug, do not kiss, do not touch. Maybe you do not understand because you're Italian and you're used to it, but there is for me! ', To which I felt relieved, because the weekend before, He said to him holding hands is stupid.

At home she was falling asleep on the couch and asked me to tell him a story ... I told him everything Wink, Dueocchiolini and Treocchiolini!! He had fallen asleep after 3 seconds, and we do not want to believe that I had really told the whole story.

On Sunday morning we went out for a walk, there were still 20 degrees and did not want to miss the beautiful day. We should not have to be late at night because I had organized a dinner to me, but in the end we walked for hours throughout. I carried it in his secret place, beautiful, I saw a part of the city did not know. At 3 we were from me, after walking at least 4 km. I began immediately to prepare, he fell asleep on the couch. When I approached to take away the computer from the legs, hugged me and I do not most wanted to leave. And then he helped me, I had already prepared the mixture of Argentine empanadas to make him happy, I wanted one impressed with him ... It helped me to fill and close, then came the others. He was highly pleased, although I used the recipe for the dough was not the right one, because it was different from what was to come, and the filling was ham and queso, which he likes. Well ... at the end were great!! He was really happy, then his idea that I prepared a sauce usually used to accompany the omelet with broccoli, and we have just guessed, because there was great! Well ... Good dinner, wine, friends. And then, the pumpkin pie. She, too strange. But appreciated all they did an encore, except me. While I was in the kitchen came behind me and gave me a kiss, thanking me and giving compliments.

The others are gone, he stayed a night with me. We were in bed and he asked me to talk to him, I do not know how we ended up talking about my father and my mother and he finally said he would have been fun with my dinner. I asked him if he understood a word of what I told him, so we got to compare the different families, Italian and American, as probably would be boring for me to have dinner with her, the family, since they are not noisy even six women talking in the kitchen. I told him my father is special, if they get a friend of mine or my sister and he's sitting on the sofa, you hear the view to stand up and accept it, and this puts us in great embarrassment and puts all our friends in awe. Then he just learned to say 'touchy', so he always says, even when it is not correct, and to make them understand what it's like I told him that my mom is touchy, and I gave him some examples. And he told me that if ever meet with me, fool my dad sitting on the couch, saying that there is no need to get up. I told him that surely he would not understand and actually would have appreciated a lot and therefore would have honored its hospitality standing. Then said the first thing my mom would say to that is touchy. I pointed out that she would have hated it to death, then told me that he would not say that it is touchy, but I told him that he is but he does not believe it at all, so she will love him from the start. Ehhhhhh!! I wonder if we really will never, at that time, and is it even remotely possible. Then I helped her to hide the accent because it says that my English is so good that I'm ready for the next step.

The next day, I started my work week. In the evening I wrote and told me that he had been very ill all day, and that we'd meet the next day. Tuesday had the evidence to establishment, called me when he finished and came back to me. With the remnants of the pumpkin pie crust, which is more salty than sweet, I had made of Sables, one species at least, so I served them to him for dinner, filled with cooked ham and gouda cheese he had bought for the empanadas. But you knew that delight is coming out!! The dough is very buttery, including a pastry and a crust, and it all tastes really good ... the Aosta Valley, perfect for a snack or appetizer or finger food. But I was not given time to photograph them.

Then it was put to bed, was already quite late, but we did not sleep. I told him my dream the night before, I was in my kitchen in Italy and I made a cake, when a small child of 6-7 years and I get steals a cookie. I'm running with a wooden spoon in hand and try to grab my son happy, laughing, until I reached him, clasps him tightly while I tickle and they both scream like mad. He asked me if I was a boy and if I was like, I remember only that it was a beautiful child with light brown hair, brown that the sun which is almost blond, and we had a great relationship.

He was terribly nice and in good spirits, perhaps because it was much better, in fact it was hard to believe that the day before he felt so bad, she hugged me and we exchanged a few Italian and English rule, then fondled me, it was stupid, then he started talking to my stomach, which is in any condition is a heavy, hungry or full, or in digestion asleep. It was just the talk! He asked, pretending to hear the answers, well ... an idiot, but it made me laugh, and it was great. Then he told me he had the evil eye because he had stopped once before by myself I'd turn in my sleep and I had punched. Then he started singing an Argentine tango in force to laugh until I came I asked him to sleep and keep quiet and try to sleep because of one thing and one had already past three, and I was waking up at 7.

When played, you were still stuck and all embracing. And he did not want me to go away. At 7:20 I had to free myself from his embrace and he turned the other side and, with a dramatic tone, told me: "All right then, just go! Leave me alone since you do not want me! '. I started the day with a laugh. It 'was hard to leave. I made coffee and we were out for 8, I directed him to take the bus to his house, which is one minute from the mine.

Sunday we will celebrate Thanksgiving, although it would be tomorrow, but I work here and I have time only on weekends. I hope that the pumpkin pie I'll be better than last Sunday ... And it's a happy day, and only the first of many that celebrate Thanksgiving together. E 'for ages that want to pass in a real American family, I hope that the dream of a child born of watching TV series, may come true sooner or later, probably in a cold and snowy afternoon, in a town near a lake, in a house where women's voices, even if many busy in the kitchen, do not come to the men sitting in the living room. Although I do not think that, if ever, I can contain my excitement and my happiness, and manifest in all my being Italian!

Ps. This post was written began a month ago, continued a sentence at a time to stay there, incomplete, and too long even for me. Tonight I really wanted to finish and publish, but he called me for dinner and, again, I gave him before leaving behind the blog, chat with friends, mail to her mother, reordering of iTunes. The time now is 02:00 and I am fed up, I cut it and the public without even read it or remember what I wrote and where I stopped, so I learn to give me a set!

Tomorrow I forced myself to sit at home doing my own thing, and I promise I will publish the recipe of our Empanadas. And be well on Thanksgiving ... Ahh! You eat!

A big kiss to all!! Sleepy time for me!


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