Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Green Aprazolam Jpee Real

"It makes little political"

In our small country, "It makes little policy ", this statement comes from a comment from a citizen of Casaluce and an assessor of the municipal administration, friends on facebook, I do not want to criticize this statement, but only a reflection, perhaps the lack of participation by young people of this country is due to little ability to listen, and hear advice and suggestions of the latter, perhaps those who sit in council closed like a clam without a hearing and allow popular participation in areas used for such purposes (political section), which are open only as form of location but not very functional, and it would be fair criticism and understand the reasons for the expulsion of young people from participating in the political life of our country, given that just two years ago, a large proportion of young people right, center and left have been involved in electoral competition with great enthusiasm, now the tide of kids are gone, perhaps there has been continuity of policy by the people who were elected!


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