Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brazilian Or Californian

Circles Blonsbury

When I went to London to stay there a month, I had to go to the agency to take the keys of the house, I never imagined that what began on Priod neighborhood where most of my life was a place so full history and culture. The aquarium was of Blonsbury, home of the British Museum (which I did a nice post last year), the British Library, the 'UCL and other universities. The start was not promising, the agency would give us the keys and we were only arrived at 15.30 to 11.00, in short ke do all these hours with fatigue of a sleepless night and huge and heavy bags to the next? We decided to take some refreshment and then begin to explore the neighborhood. As usual, being the central area as the frenzy of the Londoners was palpable, but being so central parks there were in fact in every hundred yards there was a small park with lots of boys and girls with books in hand, and made ourselves on behalf of us in the university area of \u200b\u200bthe capital English. But what is the story of this navel of the world of culture?
all started in 1905 when this neighborhood was not so, indeed was not a nice neighborhood at all. A group of Cambridge students and intellectuals gathered at the home of famous Virginia Wolf to discuss art, history, politics, current affairs etc ... In addition to the famous scrittirice Nobel Prize, there were many other intellectuals to make reeds of these JMKeynes cultural clubs like the legendary, world renowned economist who has rewritten the books macro economy.
These circles have made the English culture of the first half of the century, if not the world.
The neighborhood is elegant, full of examples Victorian architecture required an excellent addition to hundreds of libraries of all types. If you want to immerse yourself in the culture to the core, down to just one of many stops on the tube, so much in the center I advise you to Kings Cross.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Definity Hx 700 Tire Traction

What a day!

Today is a wonderful day and I'm on overload !!!!!!!
I would say that for now the song of the day is:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sample Apology Letter To Boss

Passolanciano in autumn ....


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baking A Cake Piano Shape


Forum cruising. Com for the day on April 18 organized a group cruise with MSC Lirica, I think ... that many members will be present for the forum that will certainly be a departure ... 'experience unlike any other, knowing so many fans of cruise ships, .. sharing their experiences will certainly be exciting.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Is Perrier Water Good For

Science Museum

If you are in London, and big kids are a little overgrown and lovers of science and technology must-pass from parts of South Kensington, just in Hyde Park toverete science museum world's most beautiful.
I have been there half a day, and it was amazing and as if I had found in Toyland, however, because as a child I was passionate about knowledge.
Then as a person who loves being bad, that passion has continued in studies of high school, attending the 'ITIS "to the Faculty of Economics.
For who is studying business management with specialization in this museum will find itself more or less the entire programa production management and the like, for example the legendary Ford T1 black, the first example of assembly line "in what is right is repeated until to boredom, from micro to economic history. "

or machines with numerical control, which led to develop in the early Ottana a new way of flexible production.

Or the first example of an information network, before there was internet, also called Prestel "a kind of teletext.

or the first VCR, certainly was not a model to be put in the living room.

In the museum you can explore different paths, where you can explore the entire history of mankind through the various scientific discoveries, including the one that goes from conquest of space up to the latest futuristic technology.
Certainly this place offers not only beautiful and interesting exhibits, but there are plenty of other attractions including a cinema, mostly, bars and dining rooms inside, and of course a shop that are the envy miles to the toy store full of models, puzle and many many trinkets that if I had money and place in your suitcase would have robbed them savagely.
I always envied the ability of Anglo-Saxon to exploit and use the levers of mktg to promote and subsidize the culture, on this we have much to learn.
Controversy aside, one of the most beautiful and interesting pages that I visited is at 5piano the museum, and is devoted to medical history, with a number of the first modern medical equipment "you know I'm weird," but these things I like too.
The usual coordinates, just get off at the South Kensington tube and follow the many signs that will take you to the museum area where you can also visit the History Museum natural and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Council, also visited the site of the museum with many physiological and useful info:
Photo Gallery: https: / / #

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rash After Scratching Meningitis

Photographing Snow is the hardest thing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cruise Theme Party Prizes

Small things to say to get the ten

The holidays are over, and so also the laxity that has accompanied two. And coexistence. And the dinners, breakfasts, cooking classes. How sad!

However, we continue to see each other almost every day.

Last Saturday we had a good walk. Every so often we like to get out on foot to the coast, the park nearby, watching lease of the rich. We have a special place where we always go. There is a small park, but usually not too busy, cross it and go beyond. And there, this time we noticed some small buildings, three floors, with balconies of the nice, on the first floor and a small garden. Here it is very rare to find, and then we started in exploration. The house overlooks the ocean, the garden is private and has a ladder that leads down to a small beach that is not even visible from the road. Awesome! I have wasted so saddened to see that garden ... And I was already playing imagine having my little garden, and a table with wooden benches, to make the summer barbecues with friends, and watch the sunset in the evening, drinking something cold and alcoholic. In short, such a waste! It was so abandoned that I did not understand what it was to have a garden to let it die. While we were

Christonic against tenants, surely the Chinese, who left the garden to die, he was able to peek inside the house, and pointed out to me that it was just beautiful ... jambs of a good wood, well finished ... When a guy saw us from inside, and gave us a nod. That figure of shit! I thought. 'Hey!' I yelled him, making the boy sign out. The other came out, followed by the lovely wife, Chinese, pregnant. My He asked how much they paid rent and if there were other empty apartments. French accent with the boy replied that pay RMB 10.000, and that there are two empty apartments on the second floor, so no garden, not much. We thanked him and we went away.

After a while, 'the professor told me that wanted to make friends with the French and find that work is and how to get the house if they were to go. I am astonished and asked: "Why, you you can afford to pay 10.000 RMB per month rent ????". And him, 'No, but 5.000 yes! ". I have not caught right away, and I pointed out that would never be able to get so much money, and he replied that maybe he could take the apartment on the second floor, and offer to take care of the garden below those asking in exchange for using it occasionally.

We continued to walk up to the house of G. I wanted to see the baby, because they were almost two months since he went. Well, you glad to hear that seems to be just fine! It 's a beautiful child roly-poly with easy smile, his eyes mandorlissima and the dimple on the chin of G. After a while 'other friends joined us with their baby, and then we went to dinner.

All this preface to arrive last night from him. We were playing when it receives a video call from his sister who gets on the iPhone.

He started chatting with the two granddaughters, 1 and 3 years. The small drives me crazy, how great was the small but now I recognize her as the jealousy that takes the older sister at that age, and that often makes the 'crabby' and not very nice. I've been there, me I remember like it was yesterday.

However, seeing that he had activated the camera, I stood at a distance, not wanting to reveal my presence and maybe embarrass him with her. After a while ', turns his camera outward, and starts to walk home showing off her flat. "This is the entrance .... This is the bathroom. Do you see the kitchen? This is my room in Japanese style ... Stay. And there is Ele, which is a bit 'timid and does not want to be filmed. Say hello !!!". I fall completely out of the clouds. Already hate the cameras and my mother has to beg me to show me on Skype, but being shot by his sister while they are svaccata on the couch with leonine hair because it just washed right over it! Not to mention that I could not run away so as not to miss the figure of the fool.

Past that, it should show the names of all the Barbie that made him see his granddaughter. Pocahontas Barbie, Rapunzel, Mulan, ... Every time I asked for help, and then say to them: "Ele is no help".

In all this I was a bit 'incredulos ... First, it gave me the idea that they know who is' Ele'. Second, he has shown me.

After the phone call we got to talk about what they are unhappy at work, and he told me that I have not a bad salary, but poor him! To which are blurted out and told him to shut up that I could never afford to rent RMB 10.000! And he says "Me neither". "Why, last time I asked you and you said that you could deal with that spending on home." "Yes, But if you pay The Other Half." Ahhh! Then he said. It was what he meant also the last time? I'm sure he just says it should not really decide. But it actually does see that considers the idea. In short, for a future ... who knows. In fact, I'm home alone at night and on weekends and evenings and weekends I go to him. We have actually more in a house. But though ... Just the idea scares me a bit '... Living with a man! That does not direct the pee missed the first time you use the toilet, which leaves you strangely flooded the bathroom and you do not know how he did it leaves you with fingerprints all over the world because it can not remove their shoes before they sit. In short, I miss after 15 minutes that I left but I wonder if my eyes dell'ammmore disappear if we lived together. Oh God I'm becoming an old lone wolf !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Meat Abscess On Lip Of Dog

TWO is better than ONE!

A run fast here is the one passed in the night, but I want to do it tonight if not then I know that I forget the weekend and I really want very ... I have left two awards! They were ages since I received it, I just got that nice!

Then the first is by Kristal Black, whom I thank from my heart.

The prize is intended to tell you 7 random things about themselves, and pass it on to 15 other blogs to do the same.

So since it is the late late shot just random, what is me is me!

1) I love basil
2) when I was 3 years old, had four daughters imaginary taller than me, which I gave the names of fine candy, Cioffitta, shiny .... (I have to ask my mom the name of the fourth child, I remember that ended only in-ina)
3) I can not say no to salt and lemon Tequila
4) I want to live in a place of sea, where it is summer all year round
5) want to get married on a beach
6) the My dream is to open a restaurant of my own
7) the only thing of which I'm not complaining are the feet

The second prize by Claudia, . She, too, sending a huge THANK YOU!

I send a big kiss and say goodnight to you all! The award is for all those who I have been welcomed back with open arms in the last post and made me feel welcome back and increased the good will not to neglect the blog for so long. Rather, the Professor and then fall asleep I start the PC. ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feels Dizzy After Treadmill

stew with potatoes

I would not bet a dime that I, at home when the stew is a thousand stories and I always try to take only potatoes here in China I would one day decided to cook it. And to offer it for dinner!

But it happened just so, before a desire to know something that 'home', then because I came out so good that I was sure that two boys would be appreciated.

Well I was not disappointed, we got him there in three effortless, making shoes, boots up with the sauce, after a large plate of pasta with meat sauce and smoked cheese (them).

This was the first time I made the stew, and I did not follow any recipe. You know from an early age when you saw your mother to prepare something, and even if you never really worked because there was interested in going, when you know exactly how to proceed? Well, that was it. And of course I put mine, trying to improve those things that when he does my mother, I do not like.



450 g of potato stew

4 small-medium

1 celery stalk 1 carrot

1 / 2 onion 1 sprig of rosemary

1 clove of garlic oil

white wine / red broth




First, take a deep fried mixture of onion, celery and carrot. Flour the pieces of meat. Put oil in a saucepan and turn on the fire. Buttateci in the garlic and, when the oil is hot, the chopped vegetables.


Fry, then add the meat and brown from all sides.


Put the broth to warm.

Pour the meat with a little 'white wine and turn the heat to evaporate the alcohol.



Add the rosemary and a tablespoon of tomato (I poured a goccino the box of tomatoes, just to give a little 'color), then add the potatoes cut into large pieces, cover with a little 'stock, reduce the heat and put the lid on.


cook, stirring occasionally and, if necessary, adding a little ' broth.


When almost ready, add salt.


I was cut off when the potatoes easily and the sauce was quite thick but not too much. Remember to remove the rosemary. If you want you can also chop the rosemary along with the vegetables and add to the mixture first.


I assure you that was really good, the sauce great. To me the meat is not crazy, and the stew is a bit 'a luck ... Depending on the animal, you can catch the more or less tender, and if it happens again the unlucky, you can not do anything. I must say that the first taste it seemed too strong a flavor of the adult animal, but then turned out to be tender and not at all dry, albeit thin.

short, and Prof G. you are a free ride platter of pasta with meat sauce and smoked cheese, then the stew with a loaf of bread to boot, then 2 cinnamon rolls each, plus some Ferrero Rocher. My teacher makes me die when I look at while you guzzle of pasta and told me "I do not undestand why When you make pasta it's always so much better Than When I make it." SO SWEET!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Flu Like Symptoms And Lump On Neck

Coconut banana bread with lime glaze

And we liked it so much that I wanted to try it again with some changes! I thought there would be coconut and banana fairy tale, and then I thought of making it even more special with a dash of lemon. I thought I had made a discovery, and instead then I found the same recipe on the internet, but where the cake is frosted with a glaze with lime. Something better! Here the lime is not then I have replaced it with lemon. A pleasure. I took office and was much appreciated. He made it the myth of colleagues who have received.


Ingredients: 2 cups

flour 3 / 4 tsp baking soda

1 / 2 tsp salt 1 cup sugar

1 / 4 cup softened butter 2 large eggs

3 mashed bananas 1 / 4 cup plain yogurt

1 / 2 tsp vanilla (not the ' I put it)

1 / 2 cup coconut flour


1 tbsp coconut flour

1 / 2 cup powdered sugar

1 1 / 2 lime juice / lemon / orange

Mix the flour, baking soda and salt.

Beat sugar and butter in another bowl, then add one egg at a time, beating well. Add the bananas, yogurt and vanilla. Then add the flour mixture, beat a little bit.

Add the coconut.

Pour the mixture into a buttered loaf pan, and sprinkle the surface with 1 / 2 tablespoon of coconut.

Bake in preheated oven at 175 degrees for an hour and a quarter (that toothpick test).


Let cool 10 'and remove from the mold.

Prepare the glaze by mixing all ingredients together and pour the banana bread. Let cool before slicing.


It 's really great! I really liked the banana bread, but I prefer to go with him to something else, like jam or yogurt. This has something extra that makes it even more special. Try it! He has had great success and is great for lunch and breakfast for children.


Nausea Over A Week After Taking Plan B

... No. 1 of 2011

Although this is very late in the 1st post of the year 2011. ... between the university and work, time is too short to devote myself to my crosses!
I'm "reviving" the drawers work that I never completed and I intend to finish by the end of the year .... maybe in these I can also put someone new!
Another good intention of the new year is to write on the blog a bit more often! Why is a little too bare, I do not like it .... so sad!
I greet you with a great big kiss ... I'm going to prepare for the test that awaits me this afternoon!

Driver 067b-2303 Descargar

Cinnamon Rolls Banana Bread

Hehehehehe! I know I know what you're going to say ... I am given to American recipes! But I'm on vacation, and I'm 3 days out of three that we go to sleep and wake at 4 past noon. I mean, all my good intentions for these holidays is standardized so blessed by this morning I rebelled, with superhuman effort, I got up and I went home to cook something good.

my secret but maybe is allergic to milk, so two weeks should do the test and lactose-free eating. So these are the last days to finish all the cheese and bake cakes sbolognargli.

As usual I am eternally indecisive and never know what to cook first. He wanted to buy the basic preparation for the cinnamon rolls, but we have not found it, and I in my heart I had already decided to make him the same. Then I saw the recipe and it was quite a pain in the ass , if you'll pardon the finesse. So I decided to redo the margarine and banana bread using soy milk instead of yogurt, but I did not have enough bananas and receiving just did. Then I came up with a recipe for jam banana and coconut Azabel , and I thought to combine the plum Ady, without milk or butter.

Then I was reminded that this is the only time I have some 'time and I'm home and I can cook with some effort, so I convert to take advantage. Well, I thought , if you do not do now, sti cinnamon rolls, when I get them?

So here goes. Again, following the recipe of his mother.


For the dough:

3 1 / 2 to 4 cups of flour

1 / 3 cup sugar 1 tsp salt

2 packets of dried yeast Mastro Fornaio (= 4 1 / 2 tsp) + 2 teaspoons of sugar, because here I have the fresh yeast 1 cup milk

1 / 4 cup margarine, at room temperature (= 57g) 1 large egg

For the filling: (double doses of cinnamon rolls if you want even more soft, moist and tasty)

1 / 2 cup sugar 2 tsp

ground cinnamon 1 / 4 cup butter at room temperature


1 / 2 cup raisins

1 / 4 cup chopped nuts

For the icing: (double the dose if you can not get enough! I have not done for lack of ingredients, but next time I prepare the first !)

1 cup powdered sugar 1 tbsp butter

at room temperature 1 / 2 tsp vanilla

1 to 2 tbsp milk

Mix 2 cups flour with sugar, salt and baking powder with 2 teaspoons of sugar with a wooden spoon.


Heat the milk with the butter in the microwave for a few minutes. It should be about 50 degrees. Add the milk with the butter, and then the egg.


started working electric mixer, first for 1 minute on low speed, then, after scraping the dough from the edges, go another minute at medium speed.




Add the remaining flour 1 / 2 cup at a time, mixing with a wooden spoon.


I have not added all the flour, I have served a total of more than 3 cups for mixing. You must have a sticky dough and soft.

Transfer the dough on a floured surface and begin kneading, adding a little flour on your hands or on the floor if too sticky.

Knead for 6-8 minutes. You will find that when it is ready, even without adding flour, the dough will be shiny but it does NOT stick to the plan or the hands.

Lightly grease a bowl and adjourn to the mixture, collected a ball.


grease it well and cover with foil and not pulled with a dish cloth. Let rise 1 hour 1 ½ hours or until it has doubled in size. I've put off and warmed in the oven, it is rose that is a pleasure.


Crush your ball gently to remove air, then transfer it and take it on the floured surface. With a floured rolling pin, roll the dough into a rectangle as regular as possible. The dough is soft and elastic and is easily worked.


Mix sugar and cinnamon and melt the butter.

Brush the rectangle of dough with butter, if you want you can help with a brush. Spargeteci Then the mixture of sugar and cinnamon, and if you had planned, raisins and nuts.


ready the baking tray lined with parchment paper.

gradually, starting with the longest side of rectangle, roll it up himself. I'm done with the fingers moistened with water.


With a knife, cut the roll into slices of 2.5 cm each, and arrange on the plate apart from each other.



Soft Cover with foil and left to rise for 30 minutes.


You can then remove the foil and bake. But I put the plate in the oven because the appearance and Professor G. dinner and want to taste still warm! I do not know if it will work, but ... If I tell you wait in line in direct route! Occhiolino


they are!

Sfornateli just colorful and prepare the glaze as it cools.

Mix the powdered sugar, vanilla (I used vanilla sugar icing so no vanilla), a tablespoon of butter, very soft, and then the milk or water to create a glaze. You can add if the quantity is not enough.

casting the frosting on cinnamon rolls with a spoon, creating decorative strips. Here he's taken him, so no stripes, but who cares!


lukewarm Taste them! We

we ate them as dessert after a dinner quite huge but still we did an encore. If it were not here, and Prof. G., I would create a set. They're great! Even for me that I'm getting used to cinnamon, which was previously an unknown as my mom does not like. The taste is not too strong but it's delicious!



This morning we ate them for breakfast: heated in the microwave are now fluffiest! With a nice coffee ... A real treat!


Just enjoy!


Ah, do it at the end was not as complicated as I thought ... I know that I repeat them!

Happy Chinese New Year's Eve!