Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feels Dizzy After Treadmill

stew with potatoes

I would not bet a dime that I, at home when the stew is a thousand stories and I always try to take only potatoes here in China I would one day decided to cook it. And to offer it for dinner!

But it happened just so, before a desire to know something that 'home', then because I came out so good that I was sure that two boys would be appreciated.

Well I was not disappointed, we got him there in three effortless, making shoes, boots up with the sauce, after a large plate of pasta with meat sauce and smoked cheese (them).

This was the first time I made the stew, and I did not follow any recipe. You know from an early age when you saw your mother to prepare something, and even if you never really worked because there was interested in going, when you know exactly how to proceed? Well, that was it. And of course I put mine, trying to improve those things that when he does my mother, I do not like.



450 g of potato stew

4 small-medium

1 celery stalk 1 carrot

1 / 2 onion 1 sprig of rosemary

1 clove of garlic oil

white wine / red broth




First, take a deep fried mixture of onion, celery and carrot. Flour the pieces of meat. Put oil in a saucepan and turn on the fire. Buttateci in the garlic and, when the oil is hot, the chopped vegetables.


Fry, then add the meat and brown from all sides.


Put the broth to warm.

Pour the meat with a little 'white wine and turn the heat to evaporate the alcohol.



Add the rosemary and a tablespoon of tomato (I poured a goccino the box of tomatoes, just to give a little 'color), then add the potatoes cut into large pieces, cover with a little 'stock, reduce the heat and put the lid on.


cook, stirring occasionally and, if necessary, adding a little ' broth.


When almost ready, add salt.


I was cut off when the potatoes easily and the sauce was quite thick but not too much. Remember to remove the rosemary. If you want you can also chop the rosemary along with the vegetables and add to the mixture first.


I assure you that was really good, the sauce great. To me the meat is not crazy, and the stew is a bit 'a luck ... Depending on the animal, you can catch the more or less tender, and if it happens again the unlucky, you can not do anything. I must say that the first taste it seemed too strong a flavor of the adult animal, but then turned out to be tender and not at all dry, albeit thin.

short, and Prof G. you are a free ride platter of pasta with meat sauce and smoked cheese, then the stew with a loaf of bread to boot, then 2 cinnamon rolls each, plus some Ferrero Rocher. My teacher makes me die when I look at while you guzzle of pasta and told me "I do not undestand why When you make pasta it's always so much better Than When I make it." SO SWEET!


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