Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brazilian Or Californian

Circles Blonsbury

When I went to London to stay there a month, I had to go to the agency to take the keys of the house, I never imagined that what began on Priod neighborhood where most of my life was a place so full history and culture. The aquarium was of Blonsbury, home of the British Museum (which I did a nice post last year), the British Library, the 'UCL and other universities. The start was not promising, the agency would give us the keys and we were only arrived at 15.30 to 11.00, in short ke do all these hours with fatigue of a sleepless night and huge and heavy bags to the next? We decided to take some refreshment and then begin to explore the neighborhood. As usual, being the central area as the frenzy of the Londoners was palpable, but being so central parks there were in fact in every hundred yards there was a small park with lots of boys and girls with books in hand, and made ourselves on behalf of us in the university area of \u200b\u200bthe capital English. But what is the story of this navel of the world of culture?
all started in 1905 when this neighborhood was not so, indeed was not a nice neighborhood at all. A group of Cambridge students and intellectuals gathered at the home of famous Virginia Wolf to discuss art, history, politics, current affairs etc ... In addition to the famous scrittirice Nobel Prize, there were many other intellectuals to make reeds of these JMKeynes cultural clubs like the legendary, world renowned economist who has rewritten the books macro economy.
These circles have made the English culture of the first half of the century, if not the world.
The neighborhood is elegant, full of examples Victorian architecture required an excellent addition to hundreds of libraries of all types. If you want to immerse yourself in the culture to the core, down to just one of many stops on the tube, so much in the center I advise you to Kings Cross.


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