Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Leave A Scorpio

and two tickets ...;)

I saw him Tuesday for dinner, because he said he wanted to explain something (be patient, girls ... I will inform you in time!). I brought a present, I know that I love is that I had never done, so I wanted to have an opinion before using it for another recipe that I know loves it, because on the internet I read some negative reviews on this method to make the dulce de leche (read: De Lecea dulse). So, I brought a jar with what I had prepared the day before.



1 can of condensed milk

a pot of water


Put the can inside the pot, so it is completely covered, then cook for two hours, partially covered so that water does not evaporate too quickly. Just be aware that the can is always covered with water, you can do me like that I put water to boil in another pot and add it to the pot bigger every time I saw that the level down.

Cool in the pot. Enjoy.

I was curious to taste it, and I was disappointed. To me it tastes exactly like the condensed milk, it just changes consistency. And it's too sweet, I could not eat more than a teaspoon. I poured in a glass jar and I put in the fridge.

The next day, before you give it, I tasted it again ... AAAAHHHHHH !!!!! Now yes we have !!!!! It should be completely eaten cold, at least in my opinion. Something else. Although alone for me is always too sweet.

The professor liked it and was happy as a child! He tasted at the restaurant, and told me that was perfect, exactly the same as it should be! When I told him how to do it, lost a bit 'of enthusiasm because he believed it was something very difficult, but really appreciated it. Then I was even asked to go for coffee so he could eat it with biscuits as I explained the program he had prepared on the computer.

I saw him again on Wednesday after the mega lunch Sako and Jack. He had to take me to see houses in the agency, but before he had a snack with my dulce de leche. By the way, I must learn to never forget the camera when I'm by him, as he prepared for the toast and smeared the cream I I felt so inspired, would come a lot of great photos, with the right dishes and knives and some raised the share holding. The agency was already closed so no, we left the gym.

The next day we met in the morning, I went to him, we took his coffee miticissimo that his brother sends him from Hawaii, and Vanilla Macadamia Nut, which is the end of the world, so that often happy to open the envelope to sniff a bit ',


then we went to the British Library. It was raining, as it is doing for the past ten days, without interruption, and then we got there already soaked. We found a couple of books (and then explain why we needed the books eh ... been good and be patient;)), my recommended among other things by him, I'm really curious to know his literary tastes, though I know that a lot away from mine, anyway ...

We were to pay cash when I realized that I had brought the laptop back all the time because after I went directly from the farm to teach Italian and wanted to see a movie, but ... I had forgotten the hard disk outside, where I keep all the movies! Damn, I dragged this thing at all! (He offered to take it but eh ... I hate those who brings the stuff back and then be carried up to others, so I opposed, stubborn as a mule). In short, I was all annoyed with myself, and he looked at me with a smile and then I said something I did not understand and then looked at me and called me

'muñeca' (read 'munieca' )!!!! Muñeca CALL ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ODDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO imagine what I started and I made that effort to contain the explosion of my joy! Well not necessarily imagine, since you probably do not know this word, stupid I am!

So you should know that I started to study English. Because I always wanted to do and why I believe that, with English and Chinese is another language to learn, and because if you were my fairy tale come true and I should go and live with my prince somewhere in South America ( soooognaaaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeee ... oooooooooo-oooooooooo), at least I'd be disoriented and could not find a job. I mean you can not say that my fantasy ride. Okay. One day I was asking for elucidation and we ended up trying to put us to say how all parts of the body, some of which he could not remember. When we got to 'pulse', which is said muñeca fact, he told me that in Argentina there is a saying, which states that more or less engaged is bound by the wrists, because it gives us a hand, by married was associated with handcuffs. For this reason, the name corresponding to 'honey', 'sweety', 'darling', is for them muñeca.

I really like this word, and since then I've always wanted to call me so. He is not the kind of 'honey', 'treasure', 'baby' ... No way! We did not really see. But muñeca said he is perfect. But not I can ask him, calling me that. And when he did, I felt I sprout wings behind his back! :)))))))))))))))))))))))

sdolcinerie Ok enough, I do come in all diabetes.

After we went to eat noodles, and after I went to work. He was cute with me again.

Guillaume The next night we took out to dinner. The evening was pleasant, my Professor Bear and I were in perfect harmony, so much so that sometimes I had Guillaume could feel fear too. But he was well enough, we managed to make him laugh more than once. E 'was great to see him smile. Then me and my Professor Bear went all'Lpg, where we played darts against Bettina and Kelly and we won! Then the little house ... I had to work Saturday morning and he did it weigh me enough, not even had my choice, trying to convince me not to go. But, at 8.15, after 3 hours of sleep accurate (between one thing and another, olé! Time flies either!), I am due to get up and take the bus, headed toward the other side of town. I almost got it right when the guy calls me saying I work for that there was a kind of rebellion, that the designers did not want to come to Saturday, and so there was no one to translate, and that if I wanted I could go home. What I've been taken down, they know only the people on the bus! Will I have used 3 different languages, but to express my anger for having lost my usual morning with Professor Bear! And to say that to convince me not to go, I was also told that if I stayed home I would make pancakes!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, I made the best of a bad situation and I took the opportunity to go to Decathlon to buy one zainone travel, because I go back to Italy on 23 and I'm not going to bring my suitcase.

Then I ended the morning visiting the apartments, but without finding no one to say, 'It's him, is my'.

There was however one that I wanted an outside opinion, so I went in the afternoon by Professor Bear to go together. Meanwhile, I took one of my basil plants, because when I'm in Italy and I need a babysitter before entrusting my babies I want to test. And then, at least as much as I love the basil, which is absolutely amazing!

The house in the end we saw it, because he says if you know is right without opinions, and I do not have to hurry if they are not convinced.

In short, we lounge around a bit ', then we got to do washing and cleaning ... Without words, do not make at home, and I with him in his, bah. We washed the pillow of the couch, then he showed me the kitchen and the bathroom, because I do not like to stand there and watch without doing anything. Guillaume Then he called and came to dinner, we ordered a pizza and watched a movie. Then G. is gone, but we are not leaving. We watched another movie, giving us a hand for half the time (and soft !!!!!!!!)----- heart eyes, I have gone smilies and I can not express myself with that! -.- ':'(((

This morning was the first sunny day after centuries of relentless rain, so we decided to go to the station to buy tickets ... ... ....


and the tickets for what? Why, I told you not?? Oh, that careless! Sure sure, I'll tell you everything now.

So the last Sunday of the sea, I think last week , he asked me if I could take some days off. I was a bit 'hesitant in the sense ... Maybe give them to me, but there must be a reason. The week before I had worked part-time and he was not ever there, bring all I have to take a vacation for doing nothing? But he did not tell me nothing, so boh, I gave up. Just like two hours after he told me he wanted to make a trip to a town in China, and that was why he asked me if I could take some days. A trip? My neurons had already left.

I'll do short, I asked the day the next day, and I've achieved! I did not know if my date would coincide with his, but I really hope so. A trip!

the evening of Tuesday in front of and dulce de leche latte we had a draft of the itinerary and how to get to the place and how to return. It will be a trip so cool!! We'll go here: & ; im PRMD = & source = & lnms isch tbs = 1 & ei = 9fBxTKy6Fo2msQOTlZWFCw & sa = X & s = mode_link & ct = & mode = see & 0CAsQ_AU BIW = 1280 = 648 & BiH 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = & aq = langmusi aqi = & f & oq = & & = aql gs_rfai =

And then, because I've never been there, he had the niceties to think of a way to reach our destination so as to pass through here: = BiH = 1503 & 647 & q = & xian GBV = 2 & aq = f & & g10 = aqi aql oq = & = & = gs_rfai

short, is not that great ???!!!

It 's a region once belonged to Tibet, where I want to go long. They reopened only after March, and you hear a lot of Tibetan culture.

And what is so cool that we will be riding the horse ! For this, I am not in the skin! Also because I said that, here is China, in short ... I put on my back and go, without much ado. When he did it the first time, the guide had a sixteen year old son with him. The father had to accompany someone back, and they had asked the boy if they could go faster, and the kid obviously delighted he agreed ... so they started at a gallop for these green fields! It is not so cool?

Only problem, we just found out that the week we will be away from Q, here the weather is wonderful, but the rain will move ... guess where? A Lanzhou!! But poooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... ... .!!!!!!!!!!

However, this morning we got tickets, here they are


then you go!! Nine days of adventure with my Professor Bear!! Trullallà trullallà!!

After the purchase, we ate a sandwich on a bench, then we started shooting ... the Mc Donald's Chocolate Sundae in the absence of real ice cream, then alee! We left. We walked all afternoon. We found an unfamiliar area, too beautiful. Meanwhile, I am talking about taking bad because he said something about going and try to settle in Hawaii ... 40 minutes of agony for me. Then he talked about buying a car here ... I began to breathe. What the heck wants to do?? In addition to me die of grief, I mean.

Well ... I got tired, I started to pull down our route (I was assigned the planning of Xi'an, he will take care of Xiahe), and here I am! But now I see you greet maidens, because tomorrow starts a tough week, working until late at night, then gym, then travel to prepare cases to be done, flight Italy-China to buy, well ... better if I go to sleep! A big kiss to all!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Catering Hor Dourves Pittsburgh

The "Chicken" white sauce "the mother of Lebanese friends ... obviously made by us! Roast

Today the dish is unique. I am thrilled to the idea of \u200b\u200bposting this recipe, the family, but not Italian, but good.

So were months that Jack's brother, Sako, whenever I wore them something made with white sauce, or lasagna, pancakes or the Valle d'Aosta, or tuna and potato pie, or baked rigatoni, I said that I had to teach him how to do 'the white sauce' because he wanted to make a plate of his mother and I wondered why I had not added the chicken to my plate. So I silenced him by saying that the chicken had nothing to do with my recipe, and that if he would teach him so he could do whatever he wanted. 'S past the time, the balances have changed, I see little Jack and Sako, and so it ended up in oblivion.

But not for me, both were nice and I do not forget them, even if my head is somewhere else now (Prof. Bear?).

So I called them to warn them that this week would have been freer working only part-time, and that if we could we could combine to make the famous dish with chicken and sauce.

I agreed with Jack, because he is the chef, and so Wednesday I went by them after work, and we started work. Jack had already prepared everything needed was my contribution. E 'was great. But here's the recipe. It 'good, I guarantee, though I doubted it at first.


Serves 4-6 people:

500 g fettuccine (I hope it is just the dough ... but you can see from the photo)

3 chicken breasts

1 stick of cinnamon

100 g butter

100 g flour 1 l milk

white and orange cheddar cheese

salt, pepper, nutmeg

Are you ready? So go! Let's go.

So first boiled the chicken in a pot where you break the cinnamon stick and paid a pinch of salt.

Set aside the chicken and, in the same water , Boil the pasta (pull up with a skimmer, you do not throw water ).

Butter a roasting pan, and cover the bottom with the dough, then over the layer of pasta chopped or shredded chicken breasts. So:



That's what Jack has shown me, and I almost excited at the sight. It was perfect, it's exactly the kind of work I could do I and for which are typically taken for a ride, or a specialized use. Every single pieces of chicken was the same size as everyone else, and was scattered in an excellent manner, without even an empty hole. Really really well done. What can I do, I am so! I like the work well done, even if it covers everything and nobody knows it was down.

Then make the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, then remove from heat, add the flour and stir until the roux famous. Put on the heat and add the warm milk or warm, a bit 'at a time at the beginning and then pour the sauce if it has lumps, stirring continuously.

When it begins to thicken, add salt and nutmeg at will. Jack's mom said to add some sweet pepper sauce, and I did, but I'm sure is fine without it.

off when the consistency of a cream that is not too dense. Better than most dense liquid.

the same water as before, cook the remaining pasta, then drain and season it with a bit 'of the white sauce, stirring well.


Make another layer of pasta over the meat.


layer then pour over the remaining white sauce, trying to bring it down a bit.



I would do it: Boil the chicken and sparse, and set aside. Make white sauce, and in the meantime, cook the whole chicken pasta water, then drain pasta and seasoned with a little 'of white sauce, and make the first layer, the one on the bottom, with the dough already a bit' seasoned . Then add the chicken, then the second layer of pasta, and then the remaining sauce. In this way, in addition to go with the perfect amount of sauce (we have advanced a bit '), it is not likely to have a first layer dry. And also do not have to cook the pasta in twice!

And then it was the turn of the cheese: first a layer of white cheddar cheese, then cheddar cheese on top of or other holes, one orange, grated (Jack put it in slices, but he agreed with me and her mom that cheese is best, first melts and falls in the lower ).

Voila! This dish is ready to be informed on overload! Jack was full of disappointment because he said it should have been covered with cheese (why not but it is quite ??!?), Sako did not want to buy more. In my opinion, however, was more than enough. But I grated the cheddar orange.

Bake at 180-200 degrees for half an hour, until the cheddar cheese starts to brown.


Then, cut into 6 big big squared, and serve with a sprinkling of pepper (in my opinion, absolutely divine ... recommended!).


Excellent flat, although super hyper energy, excellent collaborator. We even managed to do something to Sako (hands pouring the second layer of pasta are his), but then if you just slipped away. Jack said that the taste was exactly like when he does his mother, and was delighted!

An authentic Lebanese dish! That's nice!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What To Feed 4ft Corn Snake

On the web ... Post-Vacation Here I am again

Hello everyone ...
not know about you ... but I often go on sale to see if you got some interesting magazine
about to cross to carry me home, but I am still very disappointed, not there never
anything that arouses my curiosity.
Apart from the magazine "Art of Susan" that are always trusted my newsstand
order and keep aside for me, there is not much.
It 's a very nice collection that I am working on for almost about a year and contains the forms, but really really nice. And then I take home every month when a new issue to me is the temptation to start a new job! But I try to wait, because I have too much work in half.

But .....
wandering web "Idea Woman" I made a discovery ....
........ 9 September the magazine goes on sale "Encyclopedia of Christmas"

I love Christmas and despite the heat and the heat I'm already thinking of gifts and decorations!!

not wait to browse them .. .. at first sight is a marvel!


Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Throw Out Sperm

thin soy sauce and white wine and the return of Professor predestined!

the evening of Thursday after news of Maggie A. I saw myself with, I explained everything right. We went with Kim to the Korean food, then he and I went home.

him that night was sweet.

Saturday then he's gone to get Guillaume to the airport, take him to hospital. In short, a day is not easy. I was at home waiting for news, to keep me busy and I cooked all day.

At night, I brought food to the men, he and Sander. Sander, who is Colombian and lover of food, when he opened it and smelled it tapperware started crying and yelled "Goood! This is FOOD!! This is FOOD !!!!". Poor. Lisa can not make it to cook anything, should follow the child, and if time had not able to cook western.

However, the recipe is simple but fabulous in my opinion: I came just like my mom, and is one of the few things that I eat at home together with my (usually I always follow my strict diet personal then the great overdriven when there is none).


ehmmmmmmmmm absolutely do not know that piece of meat has bought! I went to the eye, based appearance .. and I've guessed! It is not pork loin because the rack is much drier, but it's pork, lean

rosemary garlic oil

white wine

soy sauce


Put some 'of oil in a saucepan with a sprig of fresh rosemary (to use my satisfaction!) And a clove of garlic. Even a carrot and a stalk of celery should be made, I've forgotten them.

Place the meat and brown on all six sides, turning with two wooden spoons without absolutely use a fork! The purpose of this browning is to close the pores of the flesh, so that during the long cooking does not come out all the juice and does not dry out. When each part has become grill, pour a glass of white wine 1/2-1, then add a little 'soy sauce mixed with a glass of water.

Cover and cook on low flame, pouring more water and a little soy sauce when the sauce begins to evaporate. Always keep the piece wet. About halfway through cooking a little salt (a little, there's soy sauce is already salty).

I think I let it cook a couple of hours ... But I must admit that I have not even looked, I went to my nose and everything went just fine: now is perfect!

cooked, let cool and then take the meat and cut into many thin slices. Arrange the slices in the pot with their sauce.

It 's definitely one of my favorite meat dishes, without even a very thin thread of fat, yet tender , we have used knives.

We served with a mixed salad and toasted sesame bun in the oven ... A simple dinner but we were very satisfied. I apologize because there are no pictures of the dishes, which had come just for once well, but I always take a bad photograph to put my dishes in other people's homes.

promise I will repeat, because there we are made out of three in one dinner.

Sander dinner after he returned home that evening and A. it was sweet. We had some sad time, thinking of Maggie and cover some video, but it was a comfort to be together. A. is not an 'emotional guy', he is not good at comforting, he says. He is good at doing research, to understand where the problem lies and to clarify the situation, and tell the facts as they are, without change or soften them. This was his contribution to the whole matter. As my cooking. Everyone does what he can, everyone does what, in his small, can help. But Saturday is still managed to comfort me.

On Sunday morning we were to swap the sim in the bed because he needed to read a message written in Chinese, and was half lying down, with glasses. It 'was a flash.

My favorite book as a child, was 'Little Women ' . As with a lot of other girls at that age. I read a lot, so that, finished my homework, only changed location, bed or desk chair instead, but still I had a book in hand. And, when I happened to someone who really fascinated me, I do not loose a single minute, reading the street and wherever I am, so that my mother had often said to have a change ', for recreation. And I would say that I had done my homework (homework), and so now I have my moments of pleasure, or reading. There are books I've read 27 times. In short, a passion.

And, above all, I liked to fantasize. I always hated watching films based on a book that I liked, because invariably every character is completely different than I had imagined in my head, and it bothers me. In fact, I hope just that we never make the movie of ' Pillars of the Earth' , because I would too if you watch it or not fought.

fact is, those who have not read Little Women ? Which of the four March sisters was your favorite? I was Jo. I say I was because I identify with their own, coming to cry and laugh, depending on the plot. I remember thinking to be just like her, a bit 'tomboy, always in the yard to do the races with my neighbor Frank who resisted more time in the handstand, and invent thousands of different types of wheels, with the first four fingers, then a hand, then a finger ...

My maternal grandparents, who lived in the country, had a large vegetable garden. One Sunday I was playing on purpose in exploration to find a tree on which it affixed to read, as Jo. I found a fig, not too high, but with an excellent and convenient branch on which they perch. Oh, definitely not comfortable, but I would never have allowed. I spent the afternoon up there, with an apple, winning even the fear of spiders, but to emulate my hero.

However, I was left a little disappointed when, instead of marrying Lawry, had left him hook up with Amy (Amy hated) and then fall in love with that bearded mature Professor Bear, with a German accent so marked. So, with all the esteem and respect for the Professor good person no doubt, but given the choice I would have definitely opted for the freshness of youth. And then scratches his beard.

short, with the last two books of Alcott I stopped feeling so 'close to Jo'.

Years passed, and now I was a kid, maybe I went to high school, or maybe not ... At least medium. In short, I was at an age when I had developed my own personal tastes when it comes to children (usually those of the television): hairless, beautiful, strong, fascinating, damn assholes .

I remember one day I asked my mom with her husband that I imagined to be great. I did not want to know who had hoped for me, but, thinking of me and my personality, what kind of man I imagined. She was caught a bit 'off guard, so I explained that I, although I did not like the idea at all, I imagined myself with a husband as Professor Bear Little Women. A guy caught, abbatsanza well placed, very man, maybe glasses, posed, serious, thoughtful and very reliable though. Professor and very unsporting. In short, everything the opposite of what, in my heart, I hoped. She was declared agree more. And so, mogia mogia, I was holed up in my room, resigned to the idea that I would marry a guy who could not help but imagine hairy and boring.

Well ... many years have passed since then, and I have changed a lot, especially temperamentally. I am not asked for more as the man who will marry her, if anything, I wonder more and more often ' marry me?' .

But Sunday was a flash.

A. was there, lying beside me, wearing glasses, his beard a bit 'long and serious look and he was .... Here it is, Prof. my Bear! I did not know whether to laugh or cry, because I suddenly realized that he's the fellow that falls to me since I was little. It was presented in a form that not only has nothing to do with the appearance of Prof. Bear, but instead! I look at him and I beo.

This other Sunday we were having breakfast at Kona and I met my colleague, who knows what good all the guys ... So I brought my A. and he could not restrain himself: "He's the fuck! Sti cocks !!!!". And this morning the company came to me to compliment saying that it's almost a shame not to be gay for a guy like that. But that has arms ??!!?? Eh, I know I know. I have a soft spot for his arms.

Anyway ... Here it's getting serious: I understand that I want this person, not now, not tomorrow, but luuuungo, luuuungo term. I want to go to Jo, and I want him to be my own, personal, Professor Bear.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nadine Jansen & Milena Volbe

apricots and coconut and banana or coconut

The recipe I had already proven, socket Saretta , but I had chocolate. Because of the oven, because it was when I was discovered that the bottom part does not cook anymore. I solved by eating whole upper part, which was very good, and promising to try again.

The opportunity arose a few weeks ago, when I was promised a dessert for the following weekend at the beach, and then I had to think about summer and a cake that could bring to the beach. Without a fridge, in fact. But good. This time the cake is better managed as cooking, although I have serious problems with the cakes with fruit, which will inevitably sink, and then I was always under the springs. Mah! If I may speak my mind, if you managed to peel the apricots without boiling it would be better, because I would drown less. I have just thrown into boiling water and immediately pull up, but they were all pulped. If you have a secret method, you say!

I was no longer so enthusiastic about the taste as the first time, so I asked the opinion of Chris and A., who came to breakfast with me, and they told me that the only reason not to take was that if The jelly would willingly of their own! So I brought to the beach with apricots and a bit 'of the bananas, and Did I kept the rest.

On the beach, they liked. Do you see what you think!

Ingredients For the dough:
2 eggs - 50 g sugar
- 1 packet vanilla sugar (125 g) (I used regular sugar because I did not have the icing)
- 1 tablespoon rum (not set)
- 100 g apricot yogurt (plain yoghurt)
125 g flour - 1 / 2 sachet baking powder
- 8 ripe apricots, firm

For the topping:

- a jar of yogurt
- 75 g coconut flour
50 g sugar - 2 eggs

Do preheat the oven to 150 ° C.
Cut apricots with a little cut crosswise and put them for about 1 minute in boiling water, then drain and peel.
Beat 2 eggs with 50 g of sugar.
Add sugar (vanilla, rum), yogurt, flour and baking powder.
Pour the mixture into a mold (I used a large rectangular baking dish, because I doubled the dose).
sull'impasto Put the apricots.


Beat 2 eggs with 50 g of sugar, yogurt and coconut flour. Cover with this mixture.


Bake in oven at 150 ° about 40 minutes (must be golden above).



For the bananas, just replace the bananas with apricot, and any flavor of yogurt.


Sprinkle with powdered sugar.


It 's a soft cake, light but tasty, coconut and fruit is superb. Then I always abound ... It 's cool for a day at the beach was what we wanted after a barbecue. Even if the cold would have been better.

A. said that the banana that I had done for him, he knew exactly banana bread. I trust the word, as the banana bread I have not tried yet.

Given the success, I decided to try again using the mangoes, but I know that sled the next summer, as the mango season is over, those that are in circulation are crap, and the city is empty, and the time there is a friend.

However, it is a very summer cake! If you use the skimmed yogurt is also light!

Sorry the pictures, but you know, hurry ... Time does not get enough ... I doubt not know how to use good -.- '...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Catering Hor Dourves Calculate

Lemon bars for Maggie

The weekend after was a very busy weekend ... A Actually I am now a bit 'confused, having not written immediately, I can not concentrate and remember exactly what we did. I only know that he was very sweet and beautiful. Friday to remember a simple with Chris and a few friends to visit. I remember a Saturday spent entirely at home (dinner included) because of bad weather, (but no we are not bored!), and one Sunday to the sea where we burned them both.

I was just going to talk to us on several occasions because he was particularly sweet.

Sunday was the 32nd birthday of Maggie. Guillaume was in Brazil for work, so Friday night I decided to prepare something that I was sure that she liked and cuddle a bit '. When we were in Shanghai and went to Paul, you always take the lemon tarte, but said it was not as special as that of Hong Kong. So, I decided to combine business with pleasure and to prepare for something like that, but I had not posted yet. Combination on Thursday evenings A. told me about a recipe of his grandmother that he likes very much, and yet I had never experienced, because of the enormous amount of butter. But then, fate would have it, find an optimal solution, and so ... Here's the result:


recipe taken from here .


For the dough

110 g margarine 220

g flour 75 g sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt grated rind of one lemon

For the cream 4 eggs 160 g sugar

1 / 2 lemon
g flour 20 g cornstarch

Prepare the dough for the base: Mix all ingredients until the mixture melts and forms a lumpy Palletta. It 's very crumb, I was pretty sure I was missing an egg but then I gave up and eventually I did a roll! And I advise not to add eggs, because even if you do a little 'hard work, in the end the dough is very good and light.

Spread the resulting paste in a roasting pan 33 × 22x5 cm (or square), and create a board high enough (I strongly recommend parchment paper because I have anointed a Pyrex baking dish and cut the squares when I destroyed everything ... -.-').

Prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the base is cooking, prepare the cream: In a bowl mix eggs and sugar to make the dough smooth and clear, then add the lemon juice, flour and the grated rind of half a lemon. When the crust is ready to pour in the lemon cream and keep it out of the oven, lower the oven temperature to 150 ° C. Once the oven temperature has dropped again store the pan in the oven and bake the lemon bars for about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool completely, then cut into equal rectangles and sprinkle with powdered sugar just before serving (the first place it would absorb all the cream).

We went to dinner I, A., Sander, Lisa and Gaby, and of course the birthday girl. We ate from You Bian Ren , which is very good, then obviously we made out the lemon bars. Much appreciated, I also liked crazy, much of the lemon tart that I think the lemon was too strong (which is why this time I did my own thing and I have drastically reduced the lemon ... perfect result!). They've made only two, which I left in May for breakfast the next day.

We discussed a bit 'names for the baby, and the most popular were Vincent (Vince), and Samuel.

Maggie In late evening we have taken back home and then I was still A., and son returned home on Monday morning just before leaving for work.

In short, a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday afternoon Maggie got sick and was, after many vicissitudes purely 'Chinese' I'm not telling to avoid splitting the monitor in the meantime, hospital ICU. Nobody said anything, no one informed anyone. But I just said ... no more arguments or anger. He will not do any good.

The child was given birth as soon as it arrived a competent doctor who understood that it was absolutely necessary to give birth, but it was too late.

Mother and child are still alive, but breathing with the machines and hopes are nil.

News crossed confusing and unfair since Thursday morning, when I called Sander, on Thursday evening, when I went to A. he told me the day in the hospital this Saturday, when Guillaume is back from Brazil travel and rushed to the hospital, because he still did not realize what was happening this Sunday, when we all went to 'hospital and then home by Guillaume, not to leave him alone in the house, filled with Maggie.

E 'useless to tell all the steps and the various developments, I'm tired of talking about it and I do not want, and the end does not make sense to write. I only say that both Maggie and her baby are in critical condition, and even if Maggie will survive, not re never awaken from the coma because his brain functions are zero. But you probably will not make it. Her baby is smaller than the norm, and not breathing by himself. If you survive, you will not be a normal child.

Guillaume is ... No, forget it. All this is too ugly to be successful. E 'unjust and horrible, and the outline, the environment in which it occurred only makes it more difficult and horrible. The indifference, greed, misinformation, everything makes us so angry that it is unbearable. I'm just saying we got us to do research on what Maggie might have had, and came to the conclusion, thanks to the jurisdiction of the mother of A., that might be the HELLP Syndrome. Everything matches.

Yesterday, we scanned the results of EEG and another question, and we sent them to the mother of A., who will show them a doctor, so that it can provide a detailed and precise and in English on the situation, because nobody does that here. NO. A man has the right to know why his wife is taken away. Should know. Or not accept ever.

Force Maggie. Guillaume Force.

I believe in miracles.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Much Do Lpns Make In Ny

I am back from the mountain! He was too good!
The place was beautiful ... my love has been wonderful and sweet!
It took just a few days of rest and peace! Now, perhaps, it starts with a little more charge!
XXX Of course always go slow, maybe it will be the heat ... oh, well!
For now I leave you with some photos from the mountain greeting you .......

And finally .... the two of us ....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Women's Jackets With Elbow Pads

A fire, a sea of \u200b\u200bdiamonds, and s'mores for dessert scioglievolezza

Last Saturday we were at the beach until 20 pm. It 'something that I missed, because I always did as a child and teenager, even with my own, for the last bath and the last games of beach tennis ball or when the beach was already half empty. But here is different because it is darker, and because in general the Chinese come in droves just as the sun goes away.

But on Saturday it was nice after two weeks of bad weather, and we had prepared everything you need to do something very typical in America. You want to prepare you? Easy! There are very few things, besides the three ingredients: long wooden skewers, a small fire, a beach, many friends, and voila ... the atmosphere is created! If you have a guitar would be even more perfect, we did not we had and we had to settle for 'Serenade' given us by A.


Ingredients the s'mores: ( look here to find out more )



graham crackers (we used Digestive Graham because we have not found)

Put a marshmallow on the tip of the skewer and let it brown eye on the fire ... that put us in a nanosecond blacks and become charred.


Get ready two biscuits and a square of chocolate, and just remove the marshmallow from the fire 'impaninatelo' between the cookies with the chocolate.

This is his ... But ... the chocolate came from the freezer, not melt easily ...

The pupil than the teacher, and strives ... voila! E 'put enough chocolate marshmallow inside, to get the right scioglievolezza chocolate mixed with cream ...

Small, simple spiaggesche gorgeous!

Saturday night I went to him then I do not remember what movie we saw Casablanca ... maybe it was last week? The fact is that the next morning, Sunday, was scheduled in case of bad weather, to accompany him to the store, and then teach you how to do 'my salad,' because he said it was special. You know who it was? Only cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, Philadelphia, olives and my basil! He asked me to teach him how to make my salad and something simple, in exchange for his English classes (which are yet to begin).

But the weather was like on Saturday morning, so we decided to risk it and try to go to the beach. Arriving there, we realized that it would arrive soon after a storm. We were just two of us, so we talked until the first thunder and sudden drops, to which we went in to repair a boat upturned on the beach, where we put our stuff because not wet. We thought it would end soon, but coming down stronger and stronger until the best thing to do there appeared to be to throw into the water. And so we did.

E 'was great. The drops were so big and heavy it almost hurts the eyes were doing, but around us was spectacular ... I wanted to go back and get my camera to capture that different, wonderful sea, but the shore was too far away. We looked around, and A. said that we were swimming in a sea of \u200b\u200bdiamonds. It was true. One of the moments that could have been among the most romantic ever, even though I'm more for situations dry, with sun and beach. I wanted to ask him about the saying of the night before to his friend, but the possibility that his answer might be different from what I imagined I am in my perfect film kept me ... The timing was absolutely perfect should not be ruined by inappropriate responses . After a while, 'we went, we stayed in the rain some more,' then we realized that would not stop, and we decided to deal with and direct the machine to go back.

Poor car! We soaked it all. The bad thing is that we had to turn the air conditioner because otherwise the glass will not span, then have died of cold all the way back, which lasted at least an hour because of poor visibility and the inability of China to drive. Our friends were at Starbucks so he asked me if I had to go home or if it was okay to go in that state, so I changed in the car and we went there. Then from there to the Roland Café for a pizza. Then from there he and I went home, and that evening we watched two movies, a horror and then 'I am Legend', starring Will Smith, in front of two Black Russian prepared by him. Both Saturday and Sunday night we stayed yarn more than eight hours, without even changing position. But Monday I had to get up and go home and then to work.

week did not start well ... In the company told me they could not hire me with a regular contract, no one knows why.

On Tuesday, the school told me that I should teach more than just an hour and a half days, because the new kids in class baby have just arrived and do nothing but cry, then there is no need to keep lesson.

Tuesday evening

A. asked me if I reached for the Vietnamese dinner, so eventually I went. He and Thomas had kept me spaghetti, which I finished telling them my misfortunes, and together we tried to think of what to do. Then he went home and Thomas A. I asked if I wanted to go to him for a film.

I had to clean house, but who cares!

Before we went to buy a few things, because I said that I would make a good dessert, and healthy, and that was a surprise.

At home I prepared a great smoothie with mango and banana.

At the end we have not seen the film. We have been talking all evening. Of us, how easy it is for him to read and understand what I feel. I do not know how true this is, as it goes around to say that it is sure to please me ... Then I do not remember how we got here, but we're told, and we pulled out all our childhood memories. A. lost his father a long time ago, but had to be a special person. He told me many things, as a child he was quite naughty, and how he used his father manage his pranks. I do not want to tell about his business, who kept as secrets, but I hit a lot because I tell a story that did estimate the man without knowing him.

A. was small, was with his father in a store, and was making tracks for he bought him a toy he saw at the checkout. He was on his knees, pounding his fists, yelling and screaming, thinking that to make him stop, his father would not oblige. But, to his amazement, that's his father, who was paying, kneels down and starts beating his fists as well, screaming like a madman in front of everyone. A. was immediately silenced, surprised that more could and not feel embarrassed. He never made any whim.

told me many things, and I must say that I like the American system of education, at least that of his family. It 'more rigid, quite similar to that of my father (Sardinian ... say anything?), but with the moderating presence of a mother, I can give good results. A. is a perfect example. Your did a great job. The slap game is another good find for small punishments.

A. will be a perfect father. We also talked about this ... how people now see marriage and parenthood as a step to do, something to do with time passing. Like our friends here. He told me he would be ready to be a father, and he knows that would be a good parent, and can not wait, though, perhaps selfishly speaking, fears that this would change. It still has too many things that want to do, too many places to see. The same fears of mine, and all those who think about, I think.

At the end of the evening he embraced me and asked me if I felt a bit 'better, after the bad news of the job. Then we said goodbye and left me telling me not to worry, that he felt that everything would be solved, and that tomorrow he would make inquiries for my visa.

Today I went to talk directly with the President. We eventually reached a deal because he wants me in the company with a large responsibility, but invests up to me only if it is decided to stop here for years (from 5 and up), I will stay here until December, hopefully as assistant to the first ladies that translates, and from whom I learned everything. Then I redo it: if I accept, we will start working on it, otherwise, it's over my collaboration. I hope that before then I'll get to play a greater clarity in the private sector. My return to Italy on September 24 is confirmed, I do not have to change the flight because the Lord will come, if it is in October.

The week seems to settle down a bit ... And tomorrow is finally Friday! : D