Monday, August 16, 2010

Catering Hor Dourves Calculate

Lemon bars for Maggie

The weekend after was a very busy weekend ... A Actually I am now a bit 'confused, having not written immediately, I can not concentrate and remember exactly what we did. I only know that he was very sweet and beautiful. Friday to remember a simple with Chris and a few friends to visit. I remember a Saturday spent entirely at home (dinner included) because of bad weather, (but no we are not bored!), and one Sunday to the sea where we burned them both.

I was just going to talk to us on several occasions because he was particularly sweet.

Sunday was the 32nd birthday of Maggie. Guillaume was in Brazil for work, so Friday night I decided to prepare something that I was sure that she liked and cuddle a bit '. When we were in Shanghai and went to Paul, you always take the lemon tarte, but said it was not as special as that of Hong Kong. So, I decided to combine business with pleasure and to prepare for something like that, but I had not posted yet. Combination on Thursday evenings A. told me about a recipe of his grandmother that he likes very much, and yet I had never experienced, because of the enormous amount of butter. But then, fate would have it, find an optimal solution, and so ... Here's the result:


recipe taken from here .


For the dough

110 g margarine 220

g flour 75 g sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt grated rind of one lemon

For the cream 4 eggs 160 g sugar

1 / 2 lemon
g flour 20 g cornstarch

Prepare the dough for the base: Mix all ingredients until the mixture melts and forms a lumpy Palletta. It 's very crumb, I was pretty sure I was missing an egg but then I gave up and eventually I did a roll! And I advise not to add eggs, because even if you do a little 'hard work, in the end the dough is very good and light.

Spread the resulting paste in a roasting pan 33 × 22x5 cm (or square), and create a board high enough (I strongly recommend parchment paper because I have anointed a Pyrex baking dish and cut the squares when I destroyed everything ... -.-').

Prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the base is cooking, prepare the cream: In a bowl mix eggs and sugar to make the dough smooth and clear, then add the lemon juice, flour and the grated rind of half a lemon. When the crust is ready to pour in the lemon cream and keep it out of the oven, lower the oven temperature to 150 ° C. Once the oven temperature has dropped again store the pan in the oven and bake the lemon bars for about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool completely, then cut into equal rectangles and sprinkle with powdered sugar just before serving (the first place it would absorb all the cream).

We went to dinner I, A., Sander, Lisa and Gaby, and of course the birthday girl. We ate from You Bian Ren , which is very good, then obviously we made out the lemon bars. Much appreciated, I also liked crazy, much of the lemon tart that I think the lemon was too strong (which is why this time I did my own thing and I have drastically reduced the lemon ... perfect result!). They've made only two, which I left in May for breakfast the next day.

We discussed a bit 'names for the baby, and the most popular were Vincent (Vince), and Samuel.

Maggie In late evening we have taken back home and then I was still A., and son returned home on Monday morning just before leaving for work.

In short, a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday afternoon Maggie got sick and was, after many vicissitudes purely 'Chinese' I'm not telling to avoid splitting the monitor in the meantime, hospital ICU. Nobody said anything, no one informed anyone. But I just said ... no more arguments or anger. He will not do any good.

The child was given birth as soon as it arrived a competent doctor who understood that it was absolutely necessary to give birth, but it was too late.

Mother and child are still alive, but breathing with the machines and hopes are nil.

News crossed confusing and unfair since Thursday morning, when I called Sander, on Thursday evening, when I went to A. he told me the day in the hospital this Saturday, when Guillaume is back from Brazil travel and rushed to the hospital, because he still did not realize what was happening this Sunday, when we all went to 'hospital and then home by Guillaume, not to leave him alone in the house, filled with Maggie.

E 'useless to tell all the steps and the various developments, I'm tired of talking about it and I do not want, and the end does not make sense to write. I only say that both Maggie and her baby are in critical condition, and even if Maggie will survive, not re never awaken from the coma because his brain functions are zero. But you probably will not make it. Her baby is smaller than the norm, and not breathing by himself. If you survive, you will not be a normal child.

Guillaume is ... No, forget it. All this is too ugly to be successful. E 'unjust and horrible, and the outline, the environment in which it occurred only makes it more difficult and horrible. The indifference, greed, misinformation, everything makes us so angry that it is unbearable. I'm just saying we got us to do research on what Maggie might have had, and came to the conclusion, thanks to the jurisdiction of the mother of A., that might be the HELLP Syndrome. Everything matches.

Yesterday, we scanned the results of EEG and another question, and we sent them to the mother of A., who will show them a doctor, so that it can provide a detailed and precise and in English on the situation, because nobody does that here. NO. A man has the right to know why his wife is taken away. Should know. Or not accept ever.

Force Maggie. Guillaume Force.

I believe in miracles.


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