Thursday, August 5, 2010

Women's Jackets With Elbow Pads

A fire, a sea of \u200b\u200bdiamonds, and s'mores for dessert scioglievolezza

Last Saturday we were at the beach until 20 pm. It 'something that I missed, because I always did as a child and teenager, even with my own, for the last bath and the last games of beach tennis ball or when the beach was already half empty. But here is different because it is darker, and because in general the Chinese come in droves just as the sun goes away.

But on Saturday it was nice after two weeks of bad weather, and we had prepared everything you need to do something very typical in America. You want to prepare you? Easy! There are very few things, besides the three ingredients: long wooden skewers, a small fire, a beach, many friends, and voila ... the atmosphere is created! If you have a guitar would be even more perfect, we did not we had and we had to settle for 'Serenade' given us by A.


Ingredients the s'mores: ( look here to find out more )



graham crackers (we used Digestive Graham because we have not found)

Put a marshmallow on the tip of the skewer and let it brown eye on the fire ... that put us in a nanosecond blacks and become charred.


Get ready two biscuits and a square of chocolate, and just remove the marshmallow from the fire 'impaninatelo' between the cookies with the chocolate.

This is his ... But ... the chocolate came from the freezer, not melt easily ...

The pupil than the teacher, and strives ... voila! E 'put enough chocolate marshmallow inside, to get the right scioglievolezza chocolate mixed with cream ...

Small, simple spiaggesche gorgeous!

Saturday night I went to him then I do not remember what movie we saw Casablanca ... maybe it was last week? The fact is that the next morning, Sunday, was scheduled in case of bad weather, to accompany him to the store, and then teach you how to do 'my salad,' because he said it was special. You know who it was? Only cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, Philadelphia, olives and my basil! He asked me to teach him how to make my salad and something simple, in exchange for his English classes (which are yet to begin).

But the weather was like on Saturday morning, so we decided to risk it and try to go to the beach. Arriving there, we realized that it would arrive soon after a storm. We were just two of us, so we talked until the first thunder and sudden drops, to which we went in to repair a boat upturned on the beach, where we put our stuff because not wet. We thought it would end soon, but coming down stronger and stronger until the best thing to do there appeared to be to throw into the water. And so we did.

E 'was great. The drops were so big and heavy it almost hurts the eyes were doing, but around us was spectacular ... I wanted to go back and get my camera to capture that different, wonderful sea, but the shore was too far away. We looked around, and A. said that we were swimming in a sea of \u200b\u200bdiamonds. It was true. One of the moments that could have been among the most romantic ever, even though I'm more for situations dry, with sun and beach. I wanted to ask him about the saying of the night before to his friend, but the possibility that his answer might be different from what I imagined I am in my perfect film kept me ... The timing was absolutely perfect should not be ruined by inappropriate responses . After a while, 'we went, we stayed in the rain some more,' then we realized that would not stop, and we decided to deal with and direct the machine to go back.

Poor car! We soaked it all. The bad thing is that we had to turn the air conditioner because otherwise the glass will not span, then have died of cold all the way back, which lasted at least an hour because of poor visibility and the inability of China to drive. Our friends were at Starbucks so he asked me if I had to go home or if it was okay to go in that state, so I changed in the car and we went there. Then from there to the Roland Café for a pizza. Then from there he and I went home, and that evening we watched two movies, a horror and then 'I am Legend', starring Will Smith, in front of two Black Russian prepared by him. Both Saturday and Sunday night we stayed yarn more than eight hours, without even changing position. But Monday I had to get up and go home and then to work.

week did not start well ... In the company told me they could not hire me with a regular contract, no one knows why.

On Tuesday, the school told me that I should teach more than just an hour and a half days, because the new kids in class baby have just arrived and do nothing but cry, then there is no need to keep lesson.

Tuesday evening

A. asked me if I reached for the Vietnamese dinner, so eventually I went. He and Thomas had kept me spaghetti, which I finished telling them my misfortunes, and together we tried to think of what to do. Then he went home and Thomas A. I asked if I wanted to go to him for a film.

I had to clean house, but who cares!

Before we went to buy a few things, because I said that I would make a good dessert, and healthy, and that was a surprise.

At home I prepared a great smoothie with mango and banana.

At the end we have not seen the film. We have been talking all evening. Of us, how easy it is for him to read and understand what I feel. I do not know how true this is, as it goes around to say that it is sure to please me ... Then I do not remember how we got here, but we're told, and we pulled out all our childhood memories. A. lost his father a long time ago, but had to be a special person. He told me many things, as a child he was quite naughty, and how he used his father manage his pranks. I do not want to tell about his business, who kept as secrets, but I hit a lot because I tell a story that did estimate the man without knowing him.

A. was small, was with his father in a store, and was making tracks for he bought him a toy he saw at the checkout. He was on his knees, pounding his fists, yelling and screaming, thinking that to make him stop, his father would not oblige. But, to his amazement, that's his father, who was paying, kneels down and starts beating his fists as well, screaming like a madman in front of everyone. A. was immediately silenced, surprised that more could and not feel embarrassed. He never made any whim.

told me many things, and I must say that I like the American system of education, at least that of his family. It 'more rigid, quite similar to that of my father (Sardinian ... say anything?), but with the moderating presence of a mother, I can give good results. A. is a perfect example. Your did a great job. The slap game is another good find for small punishments.

A. will be a perfect father. We also talked about this ... how people now see marriage and parenthood as a step to do, something to do with time passing. Like our friends here. He told me he would be ready to be a father, and he knows that would be a good parent, and can not wait, though, perhaps selfishly speaking, fears that this would change. It still has too many things that want to do, too many places to see. The same fears of mine, and all those who think about, I think.

At the end of the evening he embraced me and asked me if I felt a bit 'better, after the bad news of the job. Then we said goodbye and left me telling me not to worry, that he felt that everything would be solved, and that tomorrow he would make inquiries for my visa.

Today I went to talk directly with the President. We eventually reached a deal because he wants me in the company with a large responsibility, but invests up to me only if it is decided to stop here for years (from 5 and up), I will stay here until December, hopefully as assistant to the first ladies that translates, and from whom I learned everything. Then I redo it: if I accept, we will start working on it, otherwise, it's over my collaboration. I hope that before then I'll get to play a greater clarity in the private sector. My return to Italy on September 24 is confirmed, I do not have to change the flight because the Lord will come, if it is in October.

The week seems to settle down a bit ... And tomorrow is finally Friday! : D


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