Thursday, August 26, 2010

Catering Hor Dourves Pittsburgh

The "Chicken" white sauce "the mother of Lebanese friends ... obviously made by us! Roast

Today the dish is unique. I am thrilled to the idea of \u200b\u200bposting this recipe, the family, but not Italian, but good.

So were months that Jack's brother, Sako, whenever I wore them something made with white sauce, or lasagna, pancakes or the Valle d'Aosta, or tuna and potato pie, or baked rigatoni, I said that I had to teach him how to do 'the white sauce' because he wanted to make a plate of his mother and I wondered why I had not added the chicken to my plate. So I silenced him by saying that the chicken had nothing to do with my recipe, and that if he would teach him so he could do whatever he wanted. 'S past the time, the balances have changed, I see little Jack and Sako, and so it ended up in oblivion.

But not for me, both were nice and I do not forget them, even if my head is somewhere else now (Prof. Bear?).

So I called them to warn them that this week would have been freer working only part-time, and that if we could we could combine to make the famous dish with chicken and sauce.

I agreed with Jack, because he is the chef, and so Wednesday I went by them after work, and we started work. Jack had already prepared everything needed was my contribution. E 'was great. But here's the recipe. It 'good, I guarantee, though I doubted it at first.


Serves 4-6 people:

500 g fettuccine (I hope it is just the dough ... but you can see from the photo)

3 chicken breasts

1 stick of cinnamon

100 g butter

100 g flour 1 l milk

white and orange cheddar cheese

salt, pepper, nutmeg

Are you ready? So go! Let's go.

So first boiled the chicken in a pot where you break the cinnamon stick and paid a pinch of salt.

Set aside the chicken and, in the same water , Boil the pasta (pull up with a skimmer, you do not throw water ).

Butter a roasting pan, and cover the bottom with the dough, then over the layer of pasta chopped or shredded chicken breasts. So:



That's what Jack has shown me, and I almost excited at the sight. It was perfect, it's exactly the kind of work I could do I and for which are typically taken for a ride, or a specialized use. Every single pieces of chicken was the same size as everyone else, and was scattered in an excellent manner, without even an empty hole. Really really well done. What can I do, I am so! I like the work well done, even if it covers everything and nobody knows it was down.

Then make the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, then remove from heat, add the flour and stir until the roux famous. Put on the heat and add the warm milk or warm, a bit 'at a time at the beginning and then pour the sauce if it has lumps, stirring continuously.

When it begins to thicken, add salt and nutmeg at will. Jack's mom said to add some sweet pepper sauce, and I did, but I'm sure is fine without it.

off when the consistency of a cream that is not too dense. Better than most dense liquid.

the same water as before, cook the remaining pasta, then drain and season it with a bit 'of the white sauce, stirring well.


Make another layer of pasta over the meat.


layer then pour over the remaining white sauce, trying to bring it down a bit.



I would do it: Boil the chicken and sparse, and set aside. Make white sauce, and in the meantime, cook the whole chicken pasta water, then drain pasta and seasoned with a little 'of white sauce, and make the first layer, the one on the bottom, with the dough already a bit' seasoned . Then add the chicken, then the second layer of pasta, and then the remaining sauce. In this way, in addition to go with the perfect amount of sauce (we have advanced a bit '), it is not likely to have a first layer dry. And also do not have to cook the pasta in twice!

And then it was the turn of the cheese: first a layer of white cheddar cheese, then cheddar cheese on top of or other holes, one orange, grated (Jack put it in slices, but he agreed with me and her mom that cheese is best, first melts and falls in the lower ).

Voila! This dish is ready to be informed on overload! Jack was full of disappointment because he said it should have been covered with cheese (why not but it is quite ??!?), Sako did not want to buy more. In my opinion, however, was more than enough. But I grated the cheddar orange.

Bake at 180-200 degrees for half an hour, until the cheddar cheese starts to brown.


Then, cut into 6 big big squared, and serve with a sprinkling of pepper (in my opinion, absolutely divine ... recommended!).


Excellent flat, although super hyper energy, excellent collaborator. We even managed to do something to Sako (hands pouring the second layer of pasta are his), but then if you just slipped away. Jack said that the taste was exactly like when he does his mother, and was delighted!

An authentic Lebanese dish! That's nice!


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