Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Throw Out Sperm

thin soy sauce and white wine and the return of Professor predestined!

the evening of Thursday after news of Maggie A. I saw myself with, I explained everything right. We went with Kim to the Korean food, then he and I went home.

him that night was sweet.

Saturday then he's gone to get Guillaume to the airport, take him to hospital. In short, a day is not easy. I was at home waiting for news, to keep me busy and I cooked all day.

At night, I brought food to the men, he and Sander. Sander, who is Colombian and lover of food, when he opened it and smelled it tapperware started crying and yelled "Goood! This is FOOD!! This is FOOD !!!!". Poor. Lisa can not make it to cook anything, should follow the child, and if time had not able to cook western.

However, the recipe is simple but fabulous in my opinion: I came just like my mom, and is one of the few things that I eat at home together with my (usually I always follow my strict diet personal then the great overdriven when there is none).


ehmmmmmmmmm absolutely do not know that piece of meat has bought! I went to the eye, based appearance .. and I've guessed! It is not pork loin because the rack is much drier, but it's pork, lean

rosemary garlic oil

white wine

soy sauce


Put some 'of oil in a saucepan with a sprig of fresh rosemary (to use my satisfaction!) And a clove of garlic. Even a carrot and a stalk of celery should be made, I've forgotten them.

Place the meat and brown on all six sides, turning with two wooden spoons without absolutely use a fork! The purpose of this browning is to close the pores of the flesh, so that during the long cooking does not come out all the juice and does not dry out. When each part has become grill, pour a glass of white wine 1/2-1, then add a little 'soy sauce mixed with a glass of water.

Cover and cook on low flame, pouring more water and a little soy sauce when the sauce begins to evaporate. Always keep the piece wet. About halfway through cooking a little salt (a little, there's soy sauce is already salty).

I think I let it cook a couple of hours ... But I must admit that I have not even looked, I went to my nose and everything went just fine: now is perfect!

cooked, let cool and then take the meat and cut into many thin slices. Arrange the slices in the pot with their sauce.

It 's definitely one of my favorite meat dishes, without even a very thin thread of fat, yet tender , we have used knives.

We served with a mixed salad and toasted sesame bun in the oven ... A simple dinner but we were very satisfied. I apologize because there are no pictures of the dishes, which had come just for once well, but I always take a bad photograph to put my dishes in other people's homes.

promise I will repeat, because there we are made out of three in one dinner.

Sander dinner after he returned home that evening and A. it was sweet. We had some sad time, thinking of Maggie and cover some video, but it was a comfort to be together. A. is not an 'emotional guy', he is not good at comforting, he says. He is good at doing research, to understand where the problem lies and to clarify the situation, and tell the facts as they are, without change or soften them. This was his contribution to the whole matter. As my cooking. Everyone does what he can, everyone does what, in his small, can help. But Saturday is still managed to comfort me.

On Sunday morning we were to swap the sim in the bed because he needed to read a message written in Chinese, and was half lying down, with glasses. It 'was a flash.

My favorite book as a child, was 'Little Women ' . As with a lot of other girls at that age. I read a lot, so that, finished my homework, only changed location, bed or desk chair instead, but still I had a book in hand. And, when I happened to someone who really fascinated me, I do not loose a single minute, reading the street and wherever I am, so that my mother had often said to have a change ', for recreation. And I would say that I had done my homework (homework), and so now I have my moments of pleasure, or reading. There are books I've read 27 times. In short, a passion.

And, above all, I liked to fantasize. I always hated watching films based on a book that I liked, because invariably every character is completely different than I had imagined in my head, and it bothers me. In fact, I hope just that we never make the movie of ' Pillars of the Earth' , because I would too if you watch it or not fought.

fact is, those who have not read Little Women ? Which of the four March sisters was your favorite? I was Jo. I say I was because I identify with their own, coming to cry and laugh, depending on the plot. I remember thinking to be just like her, a bit 'tomboy, always in the yard to do the races with my neighbor Frank who resisted more time in the handstand, and invent thousands of different types of wheels, with the first four fingers, then a hand, then a finger ...

My maternal grandparents, who lived in the country, had a large vegetable garden. One Sunday I was playing on purpose in exploration to find a tree on which it affixed to read, as Jo. I found a fig, not too high, but with an excellent and convenient branch on which they perch. Oh, definitely not comfortable, but I would never have allowed. I spent the afternoon up there, with an apple, winning even the fear of spiders, but to emulate my hero.

However, I was left a little disappointed when, instead of marrying Lawry, had left him hook up with Amy (Amy hated) and then fall in love with that bearded mature Professor Bear, with a German accent so marked. So, with all the esteem and respect for the Professor good person no doubt, but given the choice I would have definitely opted for the freshness of youth. And then scratches his beard.

short, with the last two books of Alcott I stopped feeling so 'close to Jo'.

Years passed, and now I was a kid, maybe I went to high school, or maybe not ... At least medium. In short, I was at an age when I had developed my own personal tastes when it comes to children (usually those of the television): hairless, beautiful, strong, fascinating, damn assholes .

I remember one day I asked my mom with her husband that I imagined to be great. I did not want to know who had hoped for me, but, thinking of me and my personality, what kind of man I imagined. She was caught a bit 'off guard, so I explained that I, although I did not like the idea at all, I imagined myself with a husband as Professor Bear Little Women. A guy caught, abbatsanza well placed, very man, maybe glasses, posed, serious, thoughtful and very reliable though. Professor and very unsporting. In short, everything the opposite of what, in my heart, I hoped. She was declared agree more. And so, mogia mogia, I was holed up in my room, resigned to the idea that I would marry a guy who could not help but imagine hairy and boring.

Well ... many years have passed since then, and I have changed a lot, especially temperamentally. I am not asked for more as the man who will marry her, if anything, I wonder more and more often ' marry me?' .

But Sunday was a flash.

A. was there, lying beside me, wearing glasses, his beard a bit 'long and serious look and he was .... Here it is, Prof. my Bear! I did not know whether to laugh or cry, because I suddenly realized that he's the fellow that falls to me since I was little. It was presented in a form that not only has nothing to do with the appearance of Prof. Bear, but instead! I look at him and I beo.

This other Sunday we were having breakfast at Kona and I met my colleague, who knows what good all the guys ... So I brought my A. and he could not restrain himself: "He's the fuck! Sti cocks !!!!". And this morning the company came to me to compliment saying that it's almost a shame not to be gay for a guy like that. But that has arms ??!!?? Eh, I know I know. I have a soft spot for his arms.

Anyway ... Here it's getting serious: I understand that I want this person, not now, not tomorrow, but luuuungo, luuuungo term. I want to go to Jo, and I want him to be my own, personal, Professor Bear.


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